Utah suing Biden administration over management of national monument – IOTW Report

Utah suing Biden administration over management of national monument


tah state officials have filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration over the management of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments.

The Biden administration announced in 2021 the federal government would manage the two monuments, which comprise more than 3.23 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service in June announced they had reached a deal with area tribes to co-manage the Bears Ears monument.

The lawsuit was filed Wednesday by Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, and plaintiffs include Gov. Spencer Cox, Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson, the Utah congressional administration and other officials. They called the action a “federal overreach” that violated the Antiquities Act of 1906.

“The vast size of the expanded Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments draws unmanageable visitation levels to these lands without providing any of the tools necessary to adequately conserve and protect these resources,” they said in a statement. “A congressional solution would be the more effective path for the conservation and management of Utah lands. This would include collaboration from state and federal agencies, tribal nations, local governments, citizens, the legislature, and Utah’s congressional delegation. A congressional solution could better guard the area’s resources by ensuring tribal access to sacred sites, providing federal agencies with the management tools and funding they need, channeling visitation into appropriate protected locations, and giving local communities the funding and flexibility they need to thrive economically.” more here

3 Comments on Utah suing Biden administration over management of national monument

  1. TIred of playing “mommy may I” to get Utah state lands back. IIRC, the FedGov has control of 2/3 of all Utah lands. Utah needs to show some cojones and say “under Treaty of XYZ, which you have never honored, we, the citizens of the state of Utah, are taking back OUR lands from FedGov control. Period.”
    (again, Utah): “ok, boys, time to start making Utah the “great state” as it says in our state motto. Time to start drilling, mining, and cuttin’ timber…..with all the employment and taxes that go with it all”.

  2. It’s about time that a President’s power to lock up hundreds of square miles of America using the power to declare National Monuments to bypass Local and State interests is reined back by Federal Courts and Congress. Environmental groups always want more land locked up, and believe they know what’s best for lands they practically destroy with millions of visitors going to places they would never knew existed if they weren’t declared to be National Monuments. These are the same Environmental activists who oppose nuclear power and want more wind turbines that kill millions of bats and birds every year wherever they are installed.


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