Woman? Look at this still shot and tell me what you think.

Daily Mail – A Utah woman left over 800 people without power for hours after she climbed a substation transformer and damaged equipment during a ‘mental health episode’.
Witness Ryan Kent revealed that the unidentified trespasser had managed to stand on top of the transformer and was ‘scream obscenities’.
He recalled hearing the troubled resident yell about ‘how the world was no longer safe for her or future children’, according to ABC4 News.
Kent also saw a smashed circuit box and a pipe near the scene as multiple police cars continued to pull up to the Rocky Mountain Power electric grid near Gladiola Street and Decade Drive.
As a result, deputies from The Salt Lake City Police Department were forced to cut power to more than 800 homes in the area to ensure she was not electrocuted during the incident. more
He should have been shot off of the top of that transformer.
Shocking,amped to see the charges,did he put up resistance? lets get new age spiritual,all join in and say “ohm”. Watts wrong with people?
Agreed. We spend too much time, money, and lives trying to safeguard those who are terminally ignorant. The gene pool is better off without retards in it.
A real woman wouldn’t climb up like that in a skirt
Obviously not well grounded.
3 inch turkey shot out of a 12 bore would take care of that thing.
I cannot wait ’til the Left finally has to admit they were actually celebrating mental illness all that time.
Nope. Dee’s right. No real woman would climb up there wearing a skirt. “When climbing the ladder to success, don’t let the men peak up your dress.”
Someone should have hooked up a generator and backfed enough current to blow his balls off…
It wasn’t that they wanted to avoid an electrocution per se. It’s just that electrocutions are messy; with enough current it can blow a human body apart with a steam explosion. They really didn’t want to have to clean up all those overcooked lady parts, e.g. penis, testicles, etc.
…. you light up my life…
Saturday, 16 November 2024, 13:07 at 1:07 pm
“He should have been shot off of the top of that transformer.”
…have you seen cops do a mag dump? No, they might hurt the transformer. Same thing if the freak fries, might damage the transformer.
And you DONT want to damage any trasformers. They take a long time to make and arent made HERE at all.
We used to have spares, but we gave them all to Ukrane.
Do NOT risk the transformer.
“…deputies from The Salt Lake City Police Department were forced to cut power to more than 800 homes in the area to ensure she was not electrocuted during the incident.”
…I suspect they ORDERED it done, not did it themselves, or we’d probably be reading about flash-fried deputies since arc flash is a thing…
Say what?
Saturday, 16 November 2024, 13:21 at 1:21 pm
“Obviously not well grounded.”
…That person is a ground strap.
They have no potential.
(Electricians will get it.)
Someone told the repellant perp try to induce a magnetic personality by climbing up there, but he just couldn’t overpower his reluctance.
Rocky Mountain Oysters…..Deep Fried…
wanted to be on ‘a current affair’
A tranny on a transformer? That’s re-volting.
Uncle Al
Saturday, 16 November 2024, 14:49 at 2:49 pm
“Someone told the repellant perp try to induce a magnetic personality by climbing up there, but he just couldn’t overpower his reluctance.”
…he’s got the same problem they’ve ALL had since President Trump FIRST denied a Communist woman her dreams of tyranny.
Too much Resistance®!
She wasn’t 40 feet off the ground as suggested. Maybe not even 20 ft.
…to ensure it was not…fify
Judging from the height of the insulator, and I count 23 “sheds”… 23 sheds makes it a 360kV main interstate transmission line, not the regional distribution 50kV, or local 12kV stuff. The 12kV stuff kills you instantly, 50 kV turns you into a giant splatter. 360 kV… That’s kind of in its own realm, that kind of potential will flat out out vaporize your bones, you just get converted to gas and form a residual patina on the surrounding equipment. But the current short damages equipment both locally and remotely. The insulator suffers explosive shock damage, as does the transformer. Transformers in that class have no US manufacturing, you have to order them from overseas, with a two year lead. Then there’s circuit breakers, and the potential to even trip a remote power station offline…
All kinds of fun. We need to bring back mental institutions, and get serious about protecting our power grid.
Utah Man gaining ground on Florida Man.
SRIs often have unwanted side effects. If he’s trans, then roid rage is probably the issue.
There’s a video of this thing climbing down and something falls out of the skirt and it looks like a piece of crap.
Go to the :40 sec mark.
Someone was trying to say that was a police fired bean bag. No. That person thought he/she was in front of the Pope. Something scared the sh*t outta the Biden supporter.
Jethro, a great link which proves that tranny is no lady. The left is to blame for this lunatic eruption and these psychos being allowed to run amok. Mental institutions desperately need to be brought back.
yep, at least 230kv. watching the video, looks like a ground was placed on the line. she is fortunate to be alive. know of a couple guys who touched a de-energized 230kv line with no ground by mistake. did not kill them, weeks in the hospital then not able to work and definitely changed them mentally.
If they had simply left the power on we could have solved HER problem and OUR problem…of her existing.
‘mental health episode’
Seems to be a lot of that going around lately.