UVA Hospital Admits COVID Vaccine Not Required For Kidney Transplant After Telling Patient It Was Required – IOTW Report

UVA Hospital Admits COVID Vaccine Not Required For Kidney Transplant After Telling Patient It Was Required

National File: A University of Virginia (UVA) hospital doctor told a patient that a COVID vaccine is a “requirement” to get a kidney transplant. The UVA Health system is keeping the man, Shamgar Connors, “inactive” on the kidney transplant waiting list because he refuses to take the Coronavirus injection. But documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE, including a letter that the UVA Health system sent to U.S. Congressman Rob Wittman, provide some hope for Shamgar Connors. In the documents, the UVA hospital and another university official admitted that the COVID vaccine is not actually required to get a kidney transplant, according to the hospital’s own policy. Thus, the doctor provided false information to the patient. more

Flashback- Nov 2021: Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19.

13 Comments on UVA Hospital Admits COVID Vaccine Not Required For Kidney Transplant After Telling Patient It Was Required

  1. Paging Sarah Palin… Didn’t you say something about death panels a few years ago? And all the intellectual leftists scoffed?

    Much of the UVA health system is inept, perverse and/or evil. I know this, from past, recent, and current experience.

  2. “Doctors everywhere have a lot to answer for.”
    Maybe. My General Practitioner and I have a lot in common and are PALS. We’re both ass holes. He’s an excellent Doc and his office has been going down hill since this bull shit started. My last visit not only was I required to wear a mask, which was immediately discarded as soon as I got in the exam room, I was required to wear gloves. I left the gloves on, He walks in the room, I hold my gloved hands up and said “dude”. His response, If I don’t take the appropriate steps to glove my patience my Liability Insurance drops me. It’s a full court press to wreck our health care.

  3. To be honest, would you really want these people operating on you after all this? These fuckers lied to you and have now been publicly exposed — it’d be a smart move to try to find someone else to perform your surgery.

  4. I’ve seen on Twitter a movement of sorts to remove yourself from organ donation the next time you have to renew your drivers license. They’ll take unvaxxed organs but only transplant them into vaxxed recipients? How’ bout nobody gets anything and go F yourself.

    Covid and liberals have ruined everything.

  5. So now not want the experimental cash cow shot makes you mentally unstable? The person who wrote that report is mentally unstable. That’s the new thing apparently.
    Kidney patients in my area are being told if they ever need a transplant they won’t be eligible unless they get the shots.

    This is all highly unethical.
    Some day there will be lawsuits.
    People thought the largest settlement in history, $206 billion, was big.
    Hopefully there will also be criminal charges too.


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