VA Employees Switched from Processing VA Applications to Obamacare Applications – IOTW Report

VA Employees Switched from Processing VA Applications to Obamacare Applications

Truth Revolt

“…we actually put incoming applications aside so we could focus on the ACA related applications that came in over last summer.”

A Veterans Affairs whistleblower from Atlanta will testify before Congress next Tuesday about widespread destruction of applications, retaliation against whistleblowers, and people being shifted from processing VA applications last summer to working on Obamacare enrollment.

Scott Davis is a program specialist at the VA’s national Health Eligibility Center in DeKalb County, Georgia. His story was published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution this past Sunday and appeared on the Neil Cavuto program on Fox News Wednesday.  As opposed to previous whistleblower reports, which focus VA hospitals and getting to see doctors, Davis’ revelations are about the processing of applications by VA offices.

Davis told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that health benefit applications for more than 10,000 veterans may have been improperly purged from the Health Eligibility Center’s national data system. He began filing complaints in January 2014, revealing that managers were focused more on meeting goals linked to the Affordable Care Act to meet their bonus targets than processing VA applications.

We don’t discuss veterans. We do not work for veterans. That is something that I learned after working there. Our customer is the VA central office, the White House and the Congress. The veterans are not our priority. So whatever the initiatives are or the big ticket items, that is what we focus on.



6 Comments on VA Employees Switched from Processing VA Applications to Obamacare Applications

  1. Looks like this whistle blower (a black non political civil service worker) should be seeing a letter in the mail from IRS and taps on his phone from the NSA for subversive activities as well as any other annoyances the power structure can device to just shut you up.

    It will be justified because he questioned,why wouldn’t just let me do my job?

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