VA enlists Fauci to help recruit veterans for COVID-19 vaccine and treatment trials – IOTW Report

VA enlists Fauci to help recruit veterans for COVID-19 vaccine and treatment trials

Just The News: The health research arm at the Department of Veterans Affairs is seeking to broaden its pool of COVID-19 clinical trial volunteers, and has enlisted health czar Dr. Anthony Fauci to help recruit veterans for trials nationwide.

The VA announced the recruitment drive in a regular bulletin emailed Wednesday to veterans.

“As part of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, VA is recruiting volunteers for COVID-19 clinical trials at select VA facilities across the country,” read the Nov. 18 newsletter. The trials are to test vaccines and treatments.

Fauci, who runs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, appeared at the start of an enlistment video that was linked to the announcement.

“We need volunteers to join the VA research studies to develop safe and effective both treatments and vaccines,” Fauci said. more

21 Comments on VA enlists Fauci to help recruit veterans for COVID-19 vaccine and treatment trials

  1. Little Elfin bastard’s going to have to head off to the North Pole before long so he can make tiny toys for kids to choke on during the Christmas Holidays don’t you think?

  2. Vets must be pleasantly surprised to discover FedGov is actually asking them beforehand instead of just jamming them full of sh!t like when they were active duty.

    Perks of civilian life.

  3. Isn’t that inviting the fox to chicken house. He tested his HIV meds on foster kids. Let me guess de Blasio and Cuomo will be on the board of directors. No more old veterans!!!!!

  4. From AB: “Vets must be pleasantly surprised to discover FedGov is actually asking them beforehand instead of just jamming them full of sh!t like when they were active duty.”

    No shit. Active duty doesn’t get asked or told. My WHO shot record (that yellow pamphlet thing) from my time in had to have an additional sheet stapled in. Some of the entries only had a number instead of the name of the drug/disease.
    I only did six years.

  5. I’m in the Million Veteran Program, and think the VA is taking great care of me. But after Nam and watching Washington screw things up all these years, no thanks. If I find myself at deaths door I’ll most likely reconsider. But currently I have ZERO faith that Covid-19 is anything more than a bad cold. I’m putting my trust in the brain God gave me. I’ll keep you posted, if I keep waking up in the morning and I don’t find my name in the O-bits.

  6. Oh, now THIS makes me furious! Haven’t the veterans suffered enough due to the lousy care from our government?!

    Leave them alone, Fauci. Go jab yourself with your precious poison!

  7. The VA, whose clients tend to off themselves in the parking lots due to neglect, wants Fauci who, back in the AIDS era of gross people doing gross shit, told everyone they could catch the AIDS from hugging and toilet seats. Yeaaaah THAT guy.
    Did I forget to mention he was killing African women and a handful of inner city orphans here in the states?
    Forget all that.
    He got the job!


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