VA House Passes Northam’s Gun Ban Bill In 51-48 Vote – IOTW Report

VA House Passes Northam’s Gun Ban Bill In 51-48 Vote

[…] HB961 is not assured of passage in the state Senate, and every contact gun owners can make with their state senator will help the cause. Be polite, be civil, but be clear: there’s no way you can support them if they support HB961 in any form.

more at Bearing Arms.

18 Comments on VA House Passes Northam’s Gun Ban Bill In 51-48 Vote

  1. Can you vote yourself into slavery?
    Can a State vote supersede a Constitutional Amendment?
    Can, say for instance, Virginia vote to re-enslave negroes?
    Or suspend the voting “rights” of women?

    Where the fuck is the DoJ? Oh, sorry, I forgot … spying on President Trump.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “The Supreme Court will shoot it down.”

    Don’t count on it.

    Most gun control laws the States pass are upheld by the supreme’s, longstanding case law sets a precedent mostly leaves it to the States to establish their own regulations as long as they don’t actually nullify clearly stated Constitutional rights.

  3. States ARE nullifying the Constitution whenever it suits them.

    We, as sovereign citizens KNOW what the solution is, we’re just too intimidated to initiate the proper response to tyranny.

    We’re all intimidated into compliance.

  4. Where, for instance, magazine bans have been passed, compliance had been zero. Look for the same in VA. As long as RBG and John Roberts are on the SCOTUS, it cannot be counted on to do the right thing.

    And don’t count on the DOJ; for all his many qualities, Bill Barr is reportedly NOT a 2A supporter.

  5. As Virginia goes, so will the rest of the blue states. Last year the republicans walked out of the Oregon legislature, denying a quorum to the dems. The dems are now in the process of outlawing a walkout.

  6. How is it even possible for the federal government, states and cities to infringe the second amendment? Why are ALL gun control laws not unconstitutional?

    Why do taxpayers have to pay lawyers if citizens can’t afford one but don’t have to pay for guns and ammo for citizens who can’t afford them?

  7. The courts will determine that it is acceptable and constitutional to pass gun control laws to keep u safe.

    Then it will turn around and tell you it is unacceptable and unconstitutional to pass muslim control laws to keep u safe.

  8. “We’re all intimidated into compliance.” -TSUNAMI

    Or reluctant because we still believe in the political process? Virginia can vote-out their turkeys and reverse any laws before a violent uprising becomes inevitable. True nationally, as well. Trump is proof that it’s not yet time. But after another four years?

    Virginians had better get busy throwing the bums out. The window for this could close by 2025.

  9. @Tim – Can you vote yourself into slavery?

    Fixed it by swapping the first two words, and the punctuation mark. –
    You can vote vote yourself into slavery !

    The supporters of the Va. gun bills, Bernie and his fellow travelers show a willingness to do just that with a smile on their face & self back patting.


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