VA: Northam replaces all three members of State Board of Elections – IOTW Report

VA: Northam replaces all three members of State Board of Elections

RTD: Gov. Ralph Northam is cleaning house at the State Board of Elections, naming three new commissioners — including a former Republican legislator from the Richmond suburbs swept out in the 2017 anti-Trump wave.

In a written statement Friday afternoon, Northam said he was appointing Bob Brink, an aide in former Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s administration and former Democratic member of the House of Delegates from Arlington County; lawyer Jamilah D. LeCruise of Norfolk; and former Del. John O’Bannon, R-Henrico.

O’Bannon, who served in the House from 2001 to 2018 and was defeated in 2017 by Democrat Debra Rodman, was a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee. O’Bannon, like Northam, is a physician.

The board oversees statewide elections, tabulates results and implements election policies set by the General Assembly and governor. That includes voter ID requirements, equipment and training election officers.

The board — its membership would expand from three to five under a measure sent by the legislature to Northam last month — also supervises an elections commissioner picked by the governor.  more here

h/t   PHenry.

10 Comments on VA: Northam replaces all three members of State Board of Elections

  1. If you look up RINO in the dictionary, John O’Bannon is pictured.
    Basically, the SBE are all liberals now. Good job, Governor blackface. Nobody laid a glove on you.

  2. I’m sorry, y’all but my state is becoming an embarrassment. Can those of us west of the Blue Ridge please secede and join West Virginia? We have nothing in common with the freak show in Charlottesville, the big tech/ big gov society in Northern Virginia, or the dirty politicians in Richmond.

  3. I hear ya @little morphin annie. Landlocked Hanover county has been turned into an island due to redistrictng.

    I remember when state Senator steve Martin (not that Steve Martin) spoke of western Virginia, saying it’s west of Detroit and is closer to 4 state capitols than Richmond. I looked it up. He was right.

  4. VA is a big state….. The North, far east and Charlottesville (with a little Richmond thrown in) control the rest…… Like many other states that are overrun with government workers, we are phuked. I am leaving as soon as my kids sprout wings.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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