“On May 28, 2016, after Klein’s superiors found out he’d blown the whistle on what he saw as serious problems, the VA closed his clinic and tried to fire him. When the agency learned Klein could not be fired because he was a whistleblower, his superiors forced him to sit in a room for a year, with no patients and no duties, all the while paying him his full salary of $250,000 a year,” –MORE

POTUS, where are you? Your intervention is needed.
Corrupt to the very core.
The six phases of anything the government touches:
1. Enthusiasm
2. Disillusionment
3. Panic and hysteria
4. Hunt for the guilty
5. Punishment of the innocent
6. Reward for the uninvolved
Not the headway in cleaning up corruption we were hoping for. Enthusiasm for this administration is waning, there’s too much that isn’t being done.
Though the motives most of the thousands of young men who go into the military are noble bottom line is that they are fighting wars for the elite globalists whose goal it is to screw over the U.S. and destroy its sovereignty. Their lack of awareness is only an excuse. As far as the VA and its employees goes – – anyone who works for or finds association with this corrupt organization (U.S. government included) will pay a cost whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual.
His ‘superiors’ need waterboarding.