Vaccinated American Airlines Pilot Went Into Cardiac Arrest Six Minutes After Landing Commercial Flight With Nearly 200 Passengers – IOTW Report

Vaccinated American Airlines Pilot Went Into Cardiac Arrest Six Minutes After Landing Commercial Flight With Nearly 200 Passengers

WLT– Vaccinated American Airlines Pilot Went Into Cardiac Arrest Six Minutes After Landing Commercial Flight With Nearly 200 Passengers.

Daniel Horowitz of The Blaze on Monday posted this to Twitter.

“On April 9, 2022 American Airlines Captain Robert Snow experienced a severe post-vaccination cardiac arrest inside the cockpit of Airbus 321 carrying nearly two hundred souls,” Horowitz tweeted.

“The event took place at the gate six minutes after landing. This near miss is a direct result of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) overlooking their own safety regulations for brazenly political purposes relating to the dangerous COVID-19 vaccine mandate policies.”

Joshua Yoder of US Freedom Flyers went on the Stew Peters Show to discuss the near catastrophe and expose the airline cover-up.

10 Comments on Vaccinated American Airlines Pilot Went Into Cardiac Arrest Six Minutes After Landing Commercial Flight With Nearly 200 Passengers

  1. Look I’m not vaxed but really, are we becoming as shrill as the left about the virus and vaccines? Yes, it was a post-vax heart attack but was the vax the cause? Maybe he had heart issues that were unknown to him. Just like the left counted every death as a COVID death even when COVID was incidental to the death, we can’t claim every post vax medical emergency is related to the vax. Could it be? Sure. Could it be unrelated? Sure.

  2. …in fairness, the Airbus is highly automated and can land itself successfully under most circumstances.

    That said, it can probably be disturbed if one of the pilots collapses onto the joystick or spasms in contact with other controls.

    There is another pilot, true, but there’s a reaction delay in him recognizing the problem and doing something about it.

    This delay is usually lethal.

    To just about everyone on the plane.

    And to some on the ground…

  3. SNS,

    Thanks for yesterday’s post regarding “Rick” passing.

    You were correct that I specifically spelled my name backwards to not have 2 Rick’s on the site. Also “I’m a bit backwards” & I know it.

    Cheers with a coffee sir.

  4. Could it be related to the experimental drug being forcibly injected into airline pilots(FIFY)?

    Ahh, I’ll take are airline pilots having serious chest pains but won’t report it for fear of losing their careers for a $1,000 Alex.

    Stew Peters had Joshua Yoder on the other day who has been documenting 100s(?) of pilots who have suffered what they believe are adverse effects due to being forced to get injected-

    Take a gander and tell me that you really believe that the airlines are being open about what’s happening…kinda like the Dept/Defense who was recently caught lying about the extensive negative effects of the experimental drug.


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