Vaccine injury compensation programs ‘overwhelmed’ – IOTW Report

Vaccine injury compensation programs ‘overwhelmed’

LifesiteNews:VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,287,595 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,532 deaths and 235,041 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022. more

12 Comments on Vaccine injury compensation programs ‘overwhelmed’

  1. And this is only what they will admit too.

    Any parent that forces their child, i.e., < 18 to get vaxxed should be arrested for child abuse.

    And any government official, or unelected bureaucrat that tries to force an mandate on anyone from here on out should be arrested for assault, bodily harm.

  2. Todd Herman is on this topic hard. I think he is spot on in his analysis. Listening to all of the damage control, disguised as news, has me convinced that my assessment of the exposure the perps of this scam were and are facing has been spot on. How it could be that what was so obvious to me was being given short shrift by the corporate attorneys monitoring and advising these companies, agencies and accomplices still escapes me.

    It’s going to be the mother of all litigation blood baths before the fat lady sings.

  3. look on the bright side … only approximately 1.3 million dead

    definitely a huge bummer for the New World Order .. no wonder they’re pushing for WWIII

    bet heads are rolling (literally) in Wuhan right now!

  4. Update on the jabbed around me:

    Guitar player in my band got jabbed so he would be allowed to see his grandson. Now his daughter and SIL both have the coof.

    Bass player got jabbed so his fiance would marry him. Now she’s got the coof.

    I don’t know anybody’s booster situation, because they’re not talking about it like they did with the first jabs.


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