Vaccine Makers Now Studying Why Vaccine Is Causing Heart Problems – IOTW Report

Vaccine Makers Now Studying Why Vaccine Is Causing Heart Problems

CTH: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that vaccine makers and U.S. healthcare officials are now attempting to find out why the mRNA vaccines are creating adverse events and heart conditions in healthy people.   Call me crazy, but studying dangerous side-effects would seem to be a more prudent line of inquiry before injecting people, not after. more

14 Comments on Vaccine Makers Now Studying Why Vaccine Is Causing Heart Problems

  1. “…Ready, Fire, Aim. Stupid fucks…” What liability immunity allows you to do.

    But I disagree with your “stupid fucks” assessment. They’re not stupid, they know EXACTLY what they’re doing. They’re using the “non-informed and non-consent” public as their lab rats.

  2. I was reading an article this morning about a woman who committed suicide (because she couldn’t get over covid) and the hospital went ahead and donated her organs – even though she was actively fighting covid…but had tested “negative”. Her husband said it wasn’t safe to donate and the hospital told him tough shit…she was an organ donor. Then the article goes on to say that organs below the heart and lungs are SAFE; however, if someone wanted the heart and lungs, they would do a case-by-case review. I have never read so much double-speak in all my life. Either this shit can affect organs – up to and including death – or it can’t. WTF Make up your damn minds!

  3. “before injecting people” – Right, like reading bills before they are passed.

    Also – Just got an email from my kid’s high school a half hour ago:

    “It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that sophomore **** **** passed away unexpectedly this weekend.”

    Now I don’t know why the kid died, yet, but I have my suspicions.

  4. “Her husband said it wasn’t safe to donate and the hospital told him tough shit…she was an organ donor. ”

    The charges for the harvesting, the transport, the transplant and hospitalization on both ends stands even if the recipient dies on the table.

    Why would any hospital refuse? They make bank, and on any transplant, that’s years of my salary even if it doesn’t work.

    There is NO downside for them.

  5. Now going to experiment on 5 year olds.
    Will people get as upset when children are being exterminated as when they found out Fouchi and the dogs?
    Five years post birth abortion?

  6. It was always an “experimental” vaccine. The companies have been let off the hook for adverse effects. Can’t sue them. The politicians likewise. It was a gigantic swindle of the people of the world. The “vaccines” don’t confer immunity, create harm, kill some people, and they now want to inject kids. Just what is the agenda here? The disease has a 98 or more survivablity. Nothing about this adds up.

  7. And what of the governors, county executives, mayors and our President who are forcing government employees to be harmed – and ARE harmed?

    What then, Democrats? And you Republicans who have supported it? What about you?

    Are you be willing to be prosecuted? Jailed? Receive the death penalty for your crime? Because that’s what you deserve.


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