Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID – IOTW Report

Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID

Florida Standard

As boosters that have not been tested on humans are being rolled out across the country, a new study indicates that the jab is far more dangerous than COVID-19 itself. And the CDC has provided false information regarding their tracking of adverse events linked to the vaccines.

As government officials and mainstream media urges the vaccinated to inject a second so-called “bivalent” booster said to be targeting the Omicron variant, it turns out that this substance hasn’t been tested on humans. And the only animal trial that has been performed included eight mice.

“It hasn’t been proven in a clinical trial, because we don’t have time to do a clinical trial because we need to get the vaccine out now because we have such a situation throughout the world and certainly in the United States, we’re having 400 deaths per day and up to 5,000 hospitalizations a day,” NIAID Dr Anthony Fauci explained in an interview.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky has also stated that the boosters must be expedited in order to work properly. A delay would potentially render the shots “outdated” as new variants would form, Walensky argues.


A new study conducted by scientists from Harvard and Johns Hopkins, currently in pre-print, reveals that the COVID-19 vaccines were up to 98 times worse than the virus itself. more here

31 Comments on Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID

  1. Did this happen? Just asking for a friend.

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin implying that if Americans question and challenge the COVID shot mandates, they are now considered potential “Domestic Violent Extremists”

  2. @JamesM — It is a most painful experience to realize and admit that you have been duped, especially when the result is harm that you would not have incurred if you had seen through the scam.

    All the signs were there if you looked for them. But you didn’t, and now you’re stuck in the trap where the longer you deny your ego-protective self-imposed blindness, the more painful and difficult it is to admit your error.

    Sucks to be you.

  3. Remember, everything Harvard is as far left as the New York Times. Fauci and Welensky need to be given all the shots and boosters they endorse. No saline injections for them. Buh bye, losers!

  4. cheryl
    SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 AT 3:49 PM
    “You take the vaccine and don’t know the possible side effects because you trusted ‘science’, you are on your own.”

    …well and TRULY on your own, because you have no recourse to the law anymore, the only immunity the jab gives, is it gives US immunity from lawsuits so we can count our billions in peace while you fester to death well away from our mansions.

    Life is gooood.

    Too bad yours is over!

  5. So the breakdown, while they might? work or go there (Harvard/John Hopkins) this ‘Fake’ claim is completely false! Harvard & John Hopkins has NO joint study to be released.

  6. @JamesM the link was in the article, you moron. Maybe, like all the lefty reporters, you should actually make a modicum of effort before insisting that it’s all false.

  7. JamesM
    SEPTEMBER 18, 2022 AT 5:03 PM
    “O contraire I’m just fine! So is Trump, for he takes all the jabs.”

    …well, you can’t poison ALL the nuisance birds at once, it scares the neighbors!

    So c’mon in for your next booster! And your next! And your next! Results may vary, of course, but a man like you can trust us, right?

    Good Luck!

  8. WTF over ??
    I plan on being the best “Domestic Violent Extremist” that I can be.

  9. I would like to know what the final cost is going to be for the FREE vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna have made $BILLIONS on the fake vaccine. Many will be dead, that will be their price.
    If Covid was listed as the cause of death, the Gov’t paid $9000 toward the funeral, how many funerals have they paid for?
    In the end, it’s still all about money.

  10. you get a hint about JamesM from his use of “far right”

    the far right is far only if you are far left. the far right is just as far from center as the far left, who are so incredibly conceited they think they are in the center.


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