Vaccine or retirement? Air Force Officer With Religious Objections Sues US Government – IOTW Report

Vaccine or retirement? Air Force Officer With Religious Objections Sues US Government

Madison Record:

BENTON – Lieutenant Colonel Carla Wiese sued the U.S. Air Force on July 10, rather than retire for refusing vaccination. 

Her counsel Russell Newman of Nokomis, Fla. filed a complaint and moved for emergency relief in U.S. district court. 

The Air Force had set July 10 as her deadline to obey. 

Newman named President Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall as defendants.  

General Michael Minihan of the Air Mobility Command at Scott Air Force Base also was named as defendant. 

Newman quoted a statement Wiese wrote when she requested an exemption, that abortion is a sin and aborted fetal cells are used in making virus vaccines. 

“I am made in God’s image and nothing is to alter that,” Wiese wrote. 

She wrote that the vaccines alter one’s genetic makeup. 

“The receipt of this shot would violate my religious beliefs as stated above and I would not be able to practice my faith as a Roman Catholic,” she wrote. 

“My conscience and moral beliefs would be directly violated if I receive this shot.” 

Newman claimed Col. Steven Richardson interviewed Wiese and concluded that vaccination would cause great harm to her mental and spiritual health. 

He claimed Richardson found no inconsistencies between her practices and beliefs.  more here h/t ToresSaysShow

11 Comments on Vaccine or retirement? Air Force Officer With Religious Objections Sues US Government

  1. Win or lose, her military career is over. USAF will find a “priest” somewhere who will claim abortion is A-OK. And besides, Joe Biden is a “good Catholic”, just ask him!

  2. Practicing Christianity and keeping your health are now acts of civil disobedience.

    This transcends democrat vs. republican cheerleading. You cannot vote your way out because you are only voting for one of the choices provided to you.

    America hasn’t been this screwed up since the days of the Salem witch trials. How is this going to end?

    They’re making it look like the Rapture has already occured and we are what’s left behind.

  3. Good. Hit ’em as hard as she can…assuming it will effect any change. Her argument is Constitutional, but since when did these reprobates follow the very document they took an oath to uphold. God speed…it only takes a few pushing His righteousness for the tsunami to begin.

  4. Jethro July 18, 2022 at 11:03 am

    “They’re making it look like the Rapture has already occurred and we are what’s left behind.”
    Wow! I never looked at it that way.

    Jethro, I started seeing it that way after the pattern that was revealed when Rush passed.

  5. We don’t need wet noodles that fold in our military or our government when an untested injection is foolishly demanded. Walk away and don’t bother looking back if you don’t want to follow them over the cliff.

  6. I have NO — repeat NO — respect for people who, in the face of an illegal order, instead of contesting that illegal order, merely ask for some special exemption for themselves.

    Doing that only reinforces the assumption that the order is okay for everyone else.

    It is short-sighted and selfishly self-serving.

    The military vaxx order is illegal because the vaxx is not an approved drug, but only available under “Emergency Use Authorization”.

    THIS is a hero:

  7. Those shaky, brown nosing, pants wetting, yes-men Generals at AF HQ better tell someone to research Graphene Oxide for them. Our Military is going to be devastated because of it. Only those who refused the suicide jab will survive.

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