Vaccine Passports are a Power Grab, Not a Medically Useful Contagion Preventer – IOTW Report

Vaccine Passports are a Power Grab, Not a Medically Useful Contagion Preventer

10 Comments on Vaccine Passports are a Power Grab, Not a Medically Useful Contagion Preventer

  1. The position from .gov is “we spent trillions on this for your benefit, so you need to listen to us.” I’ve been saying for a while the coof ain’t going away. All the money spent, all the businesses lost, all the lockdowns, it was all for nothing. If I spend all your money on cocaine, does that mean you need to listen to me? Fuck outta here.

  2. ‘Vaccine Passports’

    Misnomer. They are NOT vaccinating people.

    I am fully supportive of vaccines. The crap ‘they’ are injecting is unknown and probably consists of many variations of drugs that have been long waiting for human trials. for years. They probably even are using many different drugs to test results on humans.

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