Vacuum – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort: It is rather surprising that the “I believe in science” President is completely unfamiliar with not only Newton’s Third Law but also horror vacui. You may know that by the English term “nature abhors a vacuum.”

When a vacuum exists, denser surrounding material will quickly fill the void.

It’s science.

On Tuesday afternoon, when Joe Biden finally got around to addressing the nation, in addition to getting really angry and shouty, he also uttered this startling whopper of a lie:

“And there’s nothing China or Russia would rather have, would want more in this competition than the United States to be bogged down another decade in Afghanistan.”

I said in my column The Prince of Lies that this was absolute rot.

In surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Biden administration created a vacuum. And the denser surrounding Chinese have quickly moved in to fill the void.

This week the Biden administration repeated the talking point that the United States has “enormous leverage” over the Taliban – including, said Jen Psaki, “access to the global marketplace.” more here

13 Comments on Vacuum

  1. Com’on Man …you expect someone who failed the third grade to be familiar with Newton’s Third Law? He’s not even familiar with each of the words, Newton, third or law.
    Doubt Jill knows, either.

  2. Ross Perot September 7, 2021 at 1:37 pm

    When we finally find that giant sucking sound, we’ll have found Kamala!

    And what guy would be pleased with Kamala doing him? Crickets.

  3. Access to the global marketplace? And what exactly are they going to be selling? They’re going to be exporting islamic terrorism.

    The Chinese will exploit the shit out of them and return peanuts but still enough with their opium production to fund some more 9/11s.

  4. Enormous leverage over the Taliban?

    So, we’ve got them right where they want us!

    (To heck with Newton’s Laws. Joe doesn’t understand simple leverage, either. But I state the obvious.)

  5. The Taliban thinks the West is evil.
    Wait until the Chinese start abusing them.

    As for America’s power in the global marketplace, sorry, but thanks to our sellout politicians and companies (and consumers) we’ve been displaced by China pretty much worldwide. (There is a map comparing 2000 to 2020 trade that shows that pretty starkly.)

  6. “When a vacuum exists, denser surrounding material will quickly fill the void.”

    I thought this was an article about imposing the 25th Amendment, impeachment, or a timely death.


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