Now ValJar says Obama is scandal-free – IOTW Report

Now ValJar says Obama is scandal-free

NYPost: Scandal, what scandal?

President Obama has been squeaky clean, according to his closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

“The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” Jarrett said in an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday.

The aide, also a close friend of Obama and his wife Michelle, credited the first couple with being good people and getting good results.

“That’s because that’s who he is—that’s who they are — and I think that’s what really resonates with the American people,” Jarrett said.  MORE

29 Comments on Now ValJar says Obama is scandal-free

    and they’re coming to take me away aha,
    they’re coming to take me away aha ho ho hee hee,
    to the funny farm where life is beautiful every day….

  2. The dude colors his skin and eyebrows, wears a toupee, has false teeth, and employs Iranians as well as radical Islamists, but, nothing to see here as long as we ship cash to Iran.

  3. I can think of NO president in the whole of U.S. history who has had more contempt for the U.S.A. She can say this and be technically correct because she is, first and foremost, the progenitor of everything her sock puppet, obama, says and does. Just never forget, fellow patriots, these people must be destroyed if we are ever to take a fully deep, easy breath.

  4. Fast and Furious
    Weaponized IRS
    Iran nuke treaty
    DOJ not prosecuting the Hildabeast
    Mass felon pardons

    Apparently this scrunt got into obama’sdrug stash…

  5. OT

    Don’t screw with DJT.

    “President-elect Donald Trump told a critical biographer and guest of billionaire David Koch to leave his West Palm Beach golf course on New Year’s Eve, forcing Koch to leave with him.”

  6. As Obama is being dragged crying and sobbing up the steps to the gallows by two beefy prison guards, this treacherous bint would be right by his side telling him that he’s doing great, everyone loves him, he was the bestest President evah, Michelle is a wonderful guy, his daughters are not pole dancers and that the guy at the top of the stairs wearing a black mask over his entire head is going to give him a special Nobel Peace Prize.

  7. She/he/it ValJar must be either trying to swallow her own poison pill or confuse other shills to swallow the grape koolaid. America rejects your words, ValJar, rejects your pet monkey Hussein, and rejects every damned thing about your legacy in the WH. Now, pack your bags, you ghetto slumlord, jump in your Mercedes convertible top down, and hope like hell your not a victim-to-be of drive by, bitch camel of a goatfucking cunt. Do we the People hate you? HELL YES!

  8. Well, just off the top of my head how about the millions that Obama spent in travelling to Copenhagen to grovel for Chicago to win the 2016 games which would make Jarret a multi millionaire when she sold off her slum properties at huge profits to the city to build the venues. Yep, that strikes me as a scandal that ties both of them together.

  9. It’s the party line – communist party line. As long as Mooch aka Sassie, Barry, Malaria and Sharia are symbols of piety for the left, no scandal exists.
    In other words, a scandal might only exist, if the communist oligarchy think Barry has become ineffective. Barry’s actions to destroy this country – those are communist victories. Despite what, Varlerie “the Snake” Jared implied, character flaws are not considered scandals because they don’t stop a Marxist from completing his/her task in bringing down capitalism. Personal scandals are dismissed and ignored.

  10. I hope all of their skeletons comes out in the wash. SOMEONE with an unmovable grudge is sitting on a stack of it!

    Pull that pin from the other side Andrew Breitbart!

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