Van Jones: John Lewis, Sheila Jackson Lee Opposed Criminal Justice Reform Because ‘They Just Didn’t Want Trump To Have A Victory’ – IOTW Report

Van Jones: John Lewis, Sheila Jackson Lee Opposed Criminal Justice Reform Because ‘They Just Didn’t Want Trump To Have A Victory’

DC: Palm Springs, Calif. — Prominent liberal Democrats opposed 2018’s criminal justice reform, and CNN progressive commentator Van Jones thinks he knows why.

Presidential hopefuls Sens. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker joined Sen. Dick Durbin and Reps. John Lewis and Sheila Jackson Lee on a May 2017 letter calling the First Step Act “a step backwards.”

“I think publicly they were saying it doesn’t go far enough,” Jones said in a video played at the winter Koch Seminar Sunday morning. “I think privately, they just didn’t want Trump to have a victory.”

The bill was prominently championed by an unlikely alliance of Jones, billionaire industrialist Charles Koch’s libertarian network, President Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner, Kim Kardashian West and Utah Sen. Mike Lee. President Donald Trump signed it into law Dec. 21, at the conclusion of the 115th Congress and just a day before partisan gridlock kicked off the longest government shutdown in U.S. history.  more here


13 Comments on Van Jones: John Lewis, Sheila Jackson Lee Opposed Criminal Justice Reform Because ‘They Just Didn’t Want Trump To Have A Victory’

  1. ” industrialist Charles Koch’s libertarian network”

    Well, that’s a Gxd Damn Lie. That Cxck Sxckers a Globalist Socialist after cheap wages to help finance his short term business plan. (I do my best to keep from cussing on Sunday)

  2. “If the poor vote for Democrats
    Why are they still poor?”

    Ask John Lewis, whose district covers 3/4’s of the shithole affectionally known as Atlanta. Now serving his 17th term.

  3. That’s been Rush Limbaugh’s litany. Trump being Trump, who he is and how he got elected President, the Libtard left (DildoCrats and RINOs) are fighting against everything that would make President Trump look good.

  4. Expect a series of shutdowns now as the Dems and media have learned how to milk it to get their way and thwart Trump. They have zero interest in doing anything positive as long as Trump might be gaining in some way.

    Did you notice that every network today is running stories about a new shutdown after negotiations fail? They are already positioning Trump to take the blame.

  5. Don’t give liberals anything without concession on something you want.

    CJ reform is something they’ve argued for since the 80s and 90s. Want homies out of jail? The price is the wall.

    Sorry you’re still rotting away on a three strikes law my dudes. Queen Sheila, Mad Maxine, Peanuthead Lewis and Nasty Pelosi care more about Enrique than RayRay.

  6. It is not just this one issue, (prison reform), to block Trump. ALL the Democrats would rather see this country fail or to continue failed policies, than to see Trump succeed (have a win).

    Gone is the idea that we are all in this together and it is OUR country, and we would like to see it succeed, no matter who gets the credit.

    They would rather see this country turn into a third world shit-hole, full of disease, drugs, crime and terrorism, rather than keeping the USA safe, secure and healthy, if that meant Trump secured a victory.

    If Trump does not get the wall, then ALL Obama documents should be released (by Executive order). All of the Big Zero’s policies and appointments should be voided, due to his ineligibility to ever have been president. What does Trump have to lose ? So tired of traitors taking this country down the drain.


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