Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime (Unless You Support Hamas) – IOTW Report

Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime (Unless You Support Hamas)

One nation. Two legal systems.

10 Comments on Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime (Unless You Support Hamas)

  1. I’m pretty sure it’s in the Constitution, that Islam >> Alphabets >> straight and white people. If you want to move up the ladder, well, I suppose you can change…

  2. The entire world has come against Israel and it is time for Yeshua to call us home. Islam has infiltrated our formerly great nation and along with the Demoncrats has destroyed our political and religious way of life. As in the days of Noah and Lot will soon be the end. There were only Noah and his sons that were righteous so Hashem saved them and destroyed the rest. In the days of Lot, rampant homosexuality overran the city and Lot even offered his daughters for appeasement but no use. Lot pleaded with Hashem to save the city if only one righteous person could be found, but their was none. So today our country is overrun with homosexuality and illegal terrorist’s and LGBTQ is now the new norm. Our police departments are run like the Gestapo, brutalizing Autistic and handicapped. Arresting people for being on their own property. Smashing your car windows and dragging out thru the broken glass. Kicking in your front door and 30 seconds later dumping 30 rounds of ammunition into you for protecting yourself in your own bed. When they are done destroying your home and belongings they say sorry, wrong house. Yes, for sure there is a 2-Tiered legal system. All of this has happened in the small town of 3,000 I live in.

  3. This should clear up any lingering questions regarding why they are so focussed on private citizens having access to semi-automatic rifles. These are the progressive movement’s foot soldiers they are protecting. They are prepping the environment for the day they loose them on the American people at large.


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