Vanderbilt Pediatric Gender Clinic in Nashville halts gender transition surgery on minors – IOTW Report

Vanderbilt Pediatric Gender Clinic in Nashville halts gender transition surgery on minors


Vanderbilt Pediatric Gender Clinic in Nashville, Tennessee is putting a hold on its gender transitionsurgeries on minors as of Friday and reviewing its practices in the wake of reporting by the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh.

The Daily Wire reports that a letter sent from the clinic to Republican State Representative Jason Zachary said, “We are pausing gender affirmation surgeries on patients under 18 while we complete this review, which may take several months.” more

11 Comments on Vanderbilt Pediatric Gender Clinic in Nashville halts gender transition surgery on minors

  1. I never had children so I can’t imagine what
    a proud father of a young daughter would do?
    if he found out these monsters sawed off
    her lady parts without him knowing…

  2. @ Different Tim OCTOBER 8, 2022 AT 10:15 AM

    Maybe, maybe not.

    The exploitation of people affected by gender dysphoria entered the intersectionality derby rather late in the race and the pushback from the homosexual community is large and growing. It’s a turf war and the number of people genuinely affected by gender dysphoria is very small and the homosexual community is risking being splintered and losing their power from having the T’s lumped in with them. Ant then there is this, the genuine T’s are pissed off because of the exploitation of their condition by the progressive movement and the stone cold natural fact that attention seeking freaks are getting all of the attention and being promoted as examples of people affected by their condition.

    The internecine wars within the progressive movement are frequent, nasty and a good thing. Fortunately they are a feature of that subhuman political philosophy. It could not be otherwise when you look at how it must operate.

  3. If you know anyone who has voted Democrat and didn’t flee when this bullshit was welcomed with open arms, you have to know that they are just hunky dory with it. Tolerance has nothing to do with progressivism, if you are in for a dime, you are in for a dollar and either you are in or you are out. Anyone who votes Democrat is complicit. That complicity goes double for establishment Republicans who don’t strongly oppose it. And that is every last one of the phony baloney sonsabitches.

  4. Has anyone here watched videos of young people who transitioned only to realize they made an OBAMA? They are crying, they talk how they ruined themselves, how they will never have a family. They were welcomed and encouraged to mutilate themselves. They discovered that now that they’ve done it, they are no longer “special.” I don’t know if I’m beyond caring anymore. These kids will eventually kill themselves – they may as well be dead. It’s too late for them. Sounds crass, but the truth always is.

  5. @ JDHasty: You are absolutely right in your assessment. Democrats all in for it. My niece is such a person – and too far gone. She has a 14-yo daughter who wants to be a guy. She even changed her name and wants to be called Xavier. Nope, I call you by your real name, I’m not going down that road with her. My liberal niece likes to say “I’m in the only one in the family with a Master’s degree.” I also remind her that she’s the only one in family history to have a faggot in the family like your daughter. She shuts her pie hole. Can your “Master’s” degree fix your kid?

  6. Looks like the AMA will get pretty mad that Vanderbilt will be cutting into the greedily anticipate $5 billion expected from these vile surgeries on unsuspecting and abused children by 2030. Too bad. Frankenstein surgeries-for-profit have no place in society.


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