Vanity Fair’s Hive editors make six New Year’s resolutions for Hillary Clinton in 2018 – IOTW Report

Vanity Fair’s Hive editors make six New Year’s resolutions for Hillary Clinton in 2018

Brutal. She better  put some ice on that.


Well! Hillary’s little pigeons took to Twitter and were pitching hissy fits!

More at the link.

17 Comments on Vanity Fair’s Hive editors make six New Year’s resolutions for Hillary Clinton in 2018

  1. You know it’s time to hang it up when Vanity Fair has had enough of President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton when it brutally joins the STFU Hillary crowd. As for me, I can’t get enough of her WTFHappened Tour. I want more excuses! I demand a thorough investigation of the part Macedonian Content Farmers had in derailing the Most Qualified Person to ever run for anything in American political history.

  2. Maybe in the New Year the realization that the ever-strapped democrats have blown over 2 Billion dollars letting this hag run wild with her presidential fantasies.
    So, maybe they need to blow the rest of their piggy banks and let her squander it for a third time.
    Go, Hillary! Keep burning through Dem money faster than a forest fire at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

  3. I had dinner recently with longtime Clinton insiders whose blind loyalty and adoration have only been heightened by her heroism as Rightfully Elected President In Exile.
    Highly intelligent successful DC insiders who absolutely, positively believe that in some Invisible unbelievably stealthy manner the Omnipotent Omniscient Russians somehow literally hacked the voting machines in multiple states and cheated the USA out of its Rightful Queen Empress Lightbringer. Er, President.
    They are confident that 20 or more criminal indictments of Trump WH, including Jared, are about to be announced by the heroic and unassailably patriotic Republican Mueller. “People are going to prison”.

    It’s the same MSNBC talking points you see on Lefty-trollTwitter. But coming from genuinely connected, highly placed people who genuinely believe it.

  4. I find it difficult to believe that the above is coming from Vanity Fair. I stopped subscribing many years ago but occasionally read it at the library. Not anymore, the editor, Graydon Carter has an absolute “hate-on” for President Donald Trump – he should have picture of himself frothing at the mouth. I am Canadian, I have no skin in the game, but I tried to be respectful of President Obama as he had been rightfully elected (in Canada, only the voters in Ontario and Quebec count – that is why we have Prime Minister Trudeau the Second).

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