VanNess: Linda Sarsour, “Women’s March” Organizer and Fake Feminist – IOTW Report

VanNess: Linda Sarsour, “Women’s March” Organizer and Fake Feminist

In 2011, Sarsour took to twitter and vulgarly berated Hirsi Ali; and ACT for America founder, Brigitte Gabriel, and said, “I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.” This is especially in vulgar considering the suffering Hirsi Ali has endured. Shortly after the tweet was uncovered, instead of owning up to the vulgar tweet and apologizing, she tried to delete it before it was seen by too many people.


Linda Sarsour is a principal organizer for Woman’s March on Washington following President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Her rise to liberal stardom following the march has occurred in spite of her support for anti-feminist views and outrageous attacks on anti-Sharia women leaders.

Sarsour, who serves as the executive director of the Arab American Association of New York (AAANY) and who was honored by former-President Obama’s White House as a “champion of change,” seems as if she makes it a point to attach herself to every social justice cause known to man and tie it to Palestine. For example, in November, she attached herself to the cause of blocking Dakota Access Pipeline and made sure to bring her Palestinian flag.

This shameless promotion could also be seen at the Women’s March as well. When addressing the crowd, she made sure to inject some Palestinian solidarity into the cause, stating “you can count on [her], your Palestinian Muslim sister to keep her voice loud.” She also made sure to note that she was her “Palestinian grandmother’s who lives in occupied territory wildest dream.”

However, her biggest splash that weekend was when the level of her hypocrisy towards the cause espoused by the Woman’s March was pointed out to the public.   MORE

5 Comments on VanNess: Linda Sarsour, “Women’s March” Organizer and Fake Feminist

  1. Frog march this unAmerican muzzie
    to the nearest Palestine bound airplane
    and let her spout off her muzzie crapola
    in that sewer hole.BTW= Maybe sour-sar needs
    her ve-jay cut off so she knows how that poor
    woman Hirsi feels like.

  2. It’s funny that the only people in the middle east that are hated more then the Palestinians are the Jews in Israeli (to be fair as far as an arab or a Persian any jew is hated). For years they’ve used the Palestinians as a stick to beat Israel with and the fools don’t even realize it.

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