Justin Trudeau Shows Just How Clueless a Leader Can Be in the Middle of a Pandemic
Right Edition: Consider how lucky we are when we look north at our friends in Canada and see the leader they have there as Prime Minister.
Justin Trudeau has shown a long history of being a clueless liberal.
Not only do Canadians have to deal with the restrictions and economic problems of dealing with a pandemic, but on top of that, they are about to face a carbon tax increase that will go into effect when their economy is already grievously strained.
Even in the face of a pandemic, the climate craziness apparently takes precedence. more
I see Fidel’s kid has his priorities straight.
His great economic assistance package that he has STILL been tweeking every 2 days:
CTV news Ontario –
A woman was Off on maternity leave but just before coming back to work her fathers business had to close by order.
She CANNOT qualify for any assistance because she is the daughter of the business owner.
They paid into the government unemployment plan but were never told they were not allowed to collect because she was a direct relative of the owner.
The TV is now starting to show (just barely) all the problems with Fidel Junior’s plan.
Students: You qualify for a very small benefit if you cannot work this summer because of CCP Virus.
If you made over $6000 last year you get a a reasonable amount of financial aid.
If you made less, $4000 (like my kid) you get $0 less and have to apply for a different type of benefit as yet not defined.
Yesterday he announced a special fund for Canadian Artists who have experienced hardship because of Kung Flu. Interpretive dance type shit and abstract art that would be better off shredded for toilet paper.
Go watch a CBC TV show that is not “news” – production values of a 3rd world country (little mosque on the prarrie – real show)
IDIOT BOY just sent 4 Jets to CHYNA to pick up medical PPE but 2 jets did not get loaded and left Empty.
Every day he screws up something new.
They were so busy keeping healthy young people barricaded indoors that they allowed nursing to have temporary workers do part time shifts at multiple locations. Guess where Ontario’s highest death rates are!
Incompetence from the top down!
But can you do a handstand while suffering from an Oedipal complex?
Because that’s what Canada voted for. White Obama.
We need to cheer up both Countries…I suggest a Golf Match between
0webama and Trud’oh!…. Televised as “The Red Tees Classic”
Mooch will present the Winner with a Hole-in-one….or Both.
Bobcat _
He does not golf. It is not environmentally friendly enough and He is too likely to run into people who understand business, math, and leadership at a golf club.
Technically, neither does 0webama….Ever seen Her swing?
Trudy can tee off from the women’s tee’s, EH!