Vast Majority of Brits Says Govt Lies About Migrants, Most Want Numbers Cut – IOTW Report

Vast Majority of Brits Says Govt Lies About Migrants, Most Want Numbers Cut

Breitbart London:

The vast majority of Brits think the government lies about immigration and a significant number say multiculturalism has undermined British culture and migrants do not integrate, research by pro-mass migration groups has found.

The study, one of the broadest conducted in the UK into people’s attitudes to immigration, found just 15 percent of respondents feel ministers have managed it competently and fairly and only 17 percent trust the government to be honest on the topic.

In fact, more than a quarter of people believe MPs never tell the truth about immigration and half the population wants the number of low-skilled workers coming into Britain from the EU slashed.

More than half, 52 percent, say that public services are under strain as a result of immigration and the same number believe migrants are willing to work for less, putting jobs at risk and lowering wages.

The study was based on a survey of 3,667 adults carried out in June by ICM, as well as 60 citizens’ panels carried out on behalf of the thinktank British Future and the extreme left wing “anti-fascist” group HOPE Not Hate.  more

8 Comments on Vast Majority of Brits Says Govt Lies About Migrants, Most Want Numbers Cut

  1. Between 1770 and 1799 Jefferson said over 1,000 times. “the history of the world shows that in ever society, in every corner of the world – the meanest, most selfish, most vicious people in that society are in the government!”! Before 1790 he would credit the world’s greatest Mathematician John Locke for gathering and analyzing the data.

    As Ron said in ’82 “… Govt IS the problem!”!
    All 3 of these men were right!

  2. Sad to say but the only thing that would work would be civil insurrection against a government committed to over saturating the country with immigrants. But – guns and weapons are outlawed so British must use shovels, pitchforks, brooms, and everything else to start getting their desires across.

    Of course for you who don’t care it might actually improve the food/cooking in England.


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