Vatican Betrays Chinese Underground Church with “Provisional Agreement” – IOTW Report

Vatican Betrays Chinese Underground Church with “Provisional Agreement”

CFP: On Saturday, September 22, the Holy See signed a “provisional agreement” with the People’s Republic of China on the appointment of bishops. The Vatican press office stated that as part of the “comprehensive deal,” Pope Francis has decided “to readmit to full ecclesial communion the remaining ‘official’ bishops, ordained without Pontifical Mandate.”

For the record, the names of the ‘official’ bishops are H.E. Mgr Joseph Guo Jincai, H.E. Mgr Joseph Huang Bingzhang, H.E. Mgr Paul Lei Shiyin, H.E. Mgr Joseph Liu Xinhong, H.E. Mgr Joseph Ma Yinglin, H.E. Mgr Joseph Yue Fusheng, H.E. Mgr Vincent Zhan Silu and H.E. Mgr Anthony Tu Shihua, OFM.

So, the Vatican has decided “to readmit to full ecclesial communion” these “official” bishops, but the problem is that there is nothing they can be readmitted to, since these men are not bishops nor are they valid members of the Catholic Church but are members of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, a Communist-front organization that was condemned by Pope Pius XII in 1957. Any ordinations or ‘religious’ functions performed by this group are null and void, and as such, can never be validated.

The above mentioned “bishops” of the CCPA are Communist agents, men of the state, who were “consecrated” by the Chinese Party-State and who deceptively wear the bishops’ miter to strengthen their mission to oppress the underground Church in China. It is these fake-bishops that have now been given official jurisdiction over the Church in China.

In a Vatican statement issued on September 22, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin said, “Today, for the first time all the Bishops in China are in communion with the Bishop of Rome.” They indeed are in union with a Communist infested Vatican bureaucracy, but certainly not in union with the Catholic Church.  read more

11 Comments on Vatican Betrays Chinese Underground Church with “Provisional Agreement”

  1. Unholy hands on the alleged holy body and blood of Christ, vital to salvation but available to no one except through them alone? So that you must obey them, or at least never oppose them, if you want salvation when you die…even when so many of them are sodomites and atheists but you still let THEM hold the key to your eternal soul?

    Any of you starting to figure this out yet?

    Do you think Satan could be any more pleased with this state of affairs?

  2. This pope reminds me alot of Obama, doing as much damage as he possibly can while he has the opportunity.
    And those that should be doing something about it just remain dormant.

  3. The catholic cabal has a history of betrayal.
    What would you expect.
    I’ve got some very expensive relics that will ensure you don’t go to purgatory, wanna buy ’em? You can buy your relatives and yourself the fast track to heaven. Father Diddler told me so.


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