Vatican Hires Lawyers to Protect Pope’s Image – IOTW Report

Vatican Hires Lawyers to Protect Pope’s Image

VATICAN CITY (AP) – God’s love may be free, but the Vatican says it has a copyright on the pope.

Unnerved by the proliferation of papal-themed T-shirts, snow globes and tea towels around the world, the Vatican has warned it intends to “protect” the image of Pope Francis and “stop situations of illegality that may be discovered.” It also wants to protect the crossed keys emblem of the Holy See.

“The secretary of state will undertake systematic surveillance aimed at monitoring the way in which the image of the Holy Father and the emblems of the Holy See are used, intervening with opportune measures when necessary,” the Vatican said in a statement.

To back up this declaration, the Vatican has hired the global law firm Baker McKenzie to protect its intellectual property rights, the Italian daily Corriere della Sera reported. without citing the source of the information. Baker McKenzie declined to comment.  more

23 Comments on Vatican Hires Lawyers to Protect Pope’s Image

  1. If they want people to think he is supernatural instead of another run of the mill moron,
    He needs to learn to keep his pie hole shut! He is considered “holy” because of tradition.
    Has he performed any miracles? Does he walk on water? Just another politician wearing white!

  2. Personally IDGAF. If he wants to be the first trademarked pontiff, so be it. Just stop preaching about all the free shit, people should be getting, at the expense of others.

  3. At first I thought they hired the company to fix his image of being a Marxist idiot after the shit that’s been coming from his mouth lately.

    But I see that they don’t have any problem with that. They just don’t want other people to make a profit from him.

    Too bad, because someone needs to make voodoo dolls of him.

  4. This makes me sad that, considering the Catholic Church teaching have not changed since the time of Christ, that people are cashing in on sacred symbols of our faith. I am also sad that peeps are deriding the faith because of some things that come out of Papa Frankie’s mouth. Many of his words are fair game. I’m not at all fond of him, but I am of the faith. What those who deride the Catholic faith don’t realize, is that even a left wing Jesuit cannot, because of the Holy Spirit, mess with Catholic dogma.

  5. Yes, Gladys, he has; I’m sure.
    He sure *talks* a good line, doesn’t he?!?
    It’s just that, in the context of his SouthAm upbringing, it’s all been *so* polluted/poisoned/perverted, that his twisted interpretation may hardly resemble that which most of us comprehend as The Good Book.


    I take it as just another “test” of Man.

  6. You guys are being mean! 🙂

    When I was there in ’86 you had to
    fight through a crowd of cheap ass hawkers
    selling popa popa junk in the plaza. You’d almost get
    attacked for saying no to them. Screw that.
    But that pope on a rope idea has merit.

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