Vegas Shooter’s Bank Account Had Been Seized for Terror-Financing, New Docs Reveal – IOTW Report

Vegas Shooter’s Bank Account Had Been Seized for Terror-Financing, New Docs Reveal

Dangerous; Five days after the Las Vegas shooting, police officials and the FBI were aware that one of Stephen Paddock’s bank accounts had been shut down over concerns it was connected to international terrorism.

On pages 85 and 86 of an official police report regarding the Oct. 1 massacre, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officer Andre Bates, working with the Department of Homeland Security, wrote on Oct. 6 that investigators became aware of Paddock’s bank account being shut down on the basis of suspicion of terrorism.

With “all of the high money withdrawals, they felt it was terrorist related,” the report states regarding the bank’s decision to close the account. It is unclear when the account was shut down, but it occurred sometime before the attack.   more here

20 Comments on Vegas Shooter’s Bank Account Had Been Seized for Terror-Financing, New Docs Reveal

  1. Follow the money trail. There is also an Antifa – ISIS connection some reporters have been working on, an Australian Antifa connection. They clearly do not want the public to learn what really happened.

  2. Anonymous JUNE 8, 2018 AT 10:37 AM
    Whatever the truth is, I don’t expect to hear it from the FBI.
    This case has been handled poorly.

    Ya think???

    I’m still waiting for the coal from my Christmas stocking to turn into a diamond.

  3. This case has been handled poorly.

    The case has been handled poorly only if you evaluate that handling against our objectives. From the govt’s perspective, it is being handled well: we ordinary people still don’t know the story (and likely never will), and only know that whatever comments govt functionaries make are at best disingenuous or, more likely, outright lies.

  4. There was a mass shooting in Las Vegas? When was that?

    At least we are kept informed about Trump’s collusion with Rusia and his romp with a porn star.

  5. The murderer was being watched by the FBI for possible terrorist ties and yet he was able to amass enough weapons in a hotel room to supply a platoon of troops. Glad those buffoons aren’t guarding me.

  6. The bank “felt” the withdrawals were terror related? The froze an account because they had a ‘feeling’?

    I wonder if that ‘feeling’ is required by law or banking regulations to be “a reasonable feeling”. Or would a ‘whimsical feeling’ meet their so far, unstated standard for ‘feelings’?

    Does this stink as bad to anybody else or is it just me?

  7. If the bank account was seized before the attack on suspicion of its being terrorist related, why wasn’t he arrested/detained to prevent the attack.

  8. Hold on just one damn second. They could identify and shut down Paddock’s account but Mueller just indicted Manafort citing millions of dollars over decades that he wired from overseas that got away without taxes and without notice?

    How does THAT happen – except that Manafort was a major swamp weasel for decades, generous I’m sure with lot of politicians. Heck, he was a consultant on McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign – smack dab when Mueller lists millions wired to Manafort from overseas (see today’s indictment).

    How is it they picked Pollack’s account out but overlooked Manafort’s much bigger and more numerous transactions – even when he joined forces with Podesta to represent the Ukraine?

    I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation.


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