Venezuela: Always a bad sign when your military scatters and runs – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Always a bad sign when your military scatters and runs

American Thinker: As with everything else in socialist Venezuela, truth is experiencing some shortages.

So it’s not all that clear whether the ‘incident’ that went down in Venezuela on Saturday afternoon, seen in this video here, was really an ‘assassination attempt’ on President Nicolas Maduro, from two drones carrying the moldable explosive known as C-4,  as the Venezuelan government claimed, or else the noise from a gas canister explosion from a nearby apartment building, as local firemen have alleged. (CBS had a pretty good report on that, along with a Getty photo, here.)

What’s also not known is who did it. Was it an internal coup, or something Colombia did, as Maduro has just a little too quickly claimed, or was it the sheer shambles of socialism as the country falls apart across the board that led to the unscripted (or who knows, maybe scripted) explosion? Was it a combination of the two? Or, as Venezuelan Twitter dissidents have alleged, was it something the embattled Maduro set off himself, in a bid to win sympathy for himself along with an excuse to arrest dissidents?

8 Comments on Venezuela: Always a bad sign when your military scatters and runs

  1. Boy oh boy, you would think that the putrid dictators stolen multi-millions of dollars would have bought him a better-looking wife ala, Kathy Griffin for example
    and not her hand me down sister!


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