Venezuela: Maduro Arrests Oil Bosses, Installs the Military – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Maduro Arrests Oil Bosses, Installs the Military

Breitbart: Authorities in Venezuela have arrested two key officials from the company’s state-run oil company on alleged corruption charges, as socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro continues to tighten his grip on the industry and the country as a whole.

The engineer Eulogio Del Pino and chemist Nelson Martinez were both arrested on Thursday on charges of seeking to sabotage the country’s vital industry, the regime’s chief prosecutor Tarek William Saab announced.

Del Pino was accused of running a $500 million corruption operation with the Russian oil company Gazprombank, while Martinez supposedly approved an unfavorable refinancing deal with Venezuela’s Citgo Petroleum Corp, a U.S.-based refiner that he used to run without the regime’s approval.

“In the early hours of the morning, the Public Prosecutor’s Office together with officials of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate apprehended Nelson Martínez and Eulogio Del Pino,” Saab said in a state televised address, adding that the efforts were part of a “dismantling of a cartel of organized crime that had taken over Petroleum of Venezuela.”

The arrests come as Maduro seeks to take control of the company’s troubled state oil company by appointing loyal military generals to senior positions. Last Sunday, he appointed government loyalist Major General Manuel Quevedo, despite the fact he has no prior experience in oil operations.  more here

11 Comments on Venezuela: Maduro Arrests Oil Bosses, Installs the Military

  1. Here we go: crony Communism. Friends, favorites, and family are put in positions of power and then when the companies are run into the ground and millions of people die they’ll say Socialism is fine but it was implemented the wrong way. Or by the wrong person, who was corrupt. That Socialism is still better than Capitalism because it’s more caring. It just needs to be implemented the right way.

  2. Largest proven oil reserves in the world. Greater than USA, than Saudi, they are sitting on trillion$. And still a failed economy.

    Maybe single payer would have fixed it, that and only one type of deodorant! 😉

  3. Venezuela did this back in the 60s or 70s – killing the “capitalist” geese who lay the golden eggs.

    Stupid fucks never learn. Threw in their lot with OPEC, I believe.

    “Del Pino was accused of running a $500 million corruption operation with the Russian oil company Gazprombank …” Putin ain’t gonna take too kindly to this.
    Look for the KGB to orchestrate a coup – or at least a series of assassinations.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Here’s a solution – renewable energy. Venezuela is is a socialist dictatorship, and we all know (because liberals tell us) that only socialist dictatorships can make renewable energy work. Nothing makes the wind blow like garbage piling up in the streets. Nothing makes the sun shine brightly like empty store shelves and lines to buy toilet paper.

    Distribution won’t be a problem either. Maduro and his military can just force people to go to wind farms and solar fields with their empty buckets to get whatever renewable energy they need. What can possibly go wrong? This would be socialism working at its highest, yet most retarded level.

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