Venezuela: Political prisoners held in shopping mall converted to prison – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Political prisoners held in shopping mall converted to prison

Breitbart: Political prisoners being held in Caracas’ Helicoide prison – once destined to be the capital’s largest shopping mall, but now home to over 50 political dissidents – began protesting against the regime and demanding their freedom Tuesday night, prompting a violent response from Venezuela’s secret police (Sebin).

Among the political prisoners are Daniel Ceballos, the former mayor of western San Cristóbal; General Ángel Vivas, arrested for refusing to follow orders from Hugo Chávez; student opposition leader Lorent Saleh; and American hostage Joshua Holt, arrested for allegedly planning a revolution on behalf of Washington. Relatives of those imprisoned began assembling outside of the prison Wednesday night, announcing they would not leave the area until their loved ones were free.

At least one of the prisoners, dissident Gregory Sanabria, received a brutal beating for demanding his rights; political prisoners contend that common prisoners received money from guards to conduct the attack. Photos of the resulting injuries began circulating among dissident leaders on Twitter Thursday.

7 Comments on Venezuela: Political prisoners held in shopping mall converted to prison

  1. Assorted people trapped in a mall amid a deadly apocalypse, struggling to survive?

    So it’s like George Romero’s DAY OF THE LIVING DEAD, except instead of zombies it’s Commies.

  2. In Venezuela, political opponents of the Leftists are jailed.
    In the United States, political opponents of the Leftists are attacked by the IRS, the FBI, the court system.
    Not quite as bad, but that’s not because the Leftists wouldn’t want to actually jail their opposition.

  3. Obama must be envious. He envisioned that for us but he fell a bit short. He had it all set up for the hildabeast to continue his dismantling but then Trump happened. Too bad commies!

  4. Well Mr. Anth Ropy, your comment is tempered by the fact that we never got the “privilege” of actually having the nasty Hillbag to be President.
    OTOH, had this absolute Bitch (Hellvita) won, we would not be hearing about any of the shitty, dirty democRAT dealings that we have since found out about (thanks to Hair Mueller the Fooler pointing his gun at the feet of the democRATs!), not to mention being headed straight towards Venezuela as we were with the great Øbamboozler – pay no attention to that “God-Damn America”-hating, radical Communist-Organizing Maladroit Marxist Muzlim Mallard behind the curtains!

  5. Sad thing is they are starving, then thrown in Jail for complaining about the issues killing them. They will never really see the Oil Money this is all about.


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