Venezuela: President Maduro chased at event by angry crowd – IOTW Report

Venezuela: President Maduro chased at event by angry crowd

NYT: CARACAS, Venezuela — President Nicolás Maduro was chased at a routine political event by a crowd of angry protesters banging on pots and yelling that they were hungry, just days after thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets to call for his ouster, local news media reported on Saturday.

Scenes from the confrontation late Friday, which also appeared in videos uploaded to social media, captured the attention of Venezuelans, many of whom blame the unpopular president for the country’s food shortages.

In one video, Mr. Maduro tries to calm the pot-bangers by walking among them, only to be surrounded as the furious crowd yells obscenities.  Watch

9 Comments on Venezuela: President Maduro chased at event by angry crowd

  1. Like the low-life, bicycle seat-sniffing troll from Trailerparkinsas once said:
    “I feel yer pain”

    We gots a pResident Inepto too!
    An Inept, two-bit, belly-aching, finger-pointing, Bush-blaming, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, Constitution-stomping, Communist Organizing, phoney-baloney plastic-banana republic, lying Half-White, Half-Assed, Marxist Muzlim Mallard.

  2. “..many of whom blame the unpopular president for the country’s food shortages.”

    And he blames America and everyone else in the world not socialist.

    Delusional and paranoid is no way to be presidentin’.

  3. Maduro is lucky to have escaped while the crowd was stupid not to conclude their action including getting rid of adversarial witnesses. As a result many are going to jail probably for life. Of course the people in the crowd have no coherent concept of freedom so any democratic election is going yield another socialist.

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