Venezuela: President Maduro Speech Cut Short – Reports of Possible Drone Attack – IOTW Report

Venezuela: President Maduro Speech Cut Short – Reports of Possible Drone Attack

CTH: Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro was delivering a speech today with a national military parade and all the structured festivities.  During the remarks, an explosion was heard, and several seconds later the crowd responded to state police rushing toward them. The broadcast on state television quickly cuts to a commercial.

According to initial reporting there was a possible drone attack against the Maduro regime.  However, given the nature of the Maduro government, there is also strong opinion the attack was staged by the government to elicit sympathy.  WATCH

16 Comments on Venezuela: President Maduro Speech Cut Short – Reports of Possible Drone Attack

  1. I third it, watching the video he doesn’t look shocked, just a bad actor. Especially the solider in the 2nd row behind him who pushes by him to run up and stand next to him. Like a bad run through. I was in more danger driving to work this morning with deer on the side of the road than this buffoon was.

  2. Fake as a three (dollar) Bolívar.

    OTOH, this is a brilliant idea. Trump should send an unambiguous message to AMLO during his inauguration ceremony. Much like our military airdrops huge crates of food/supplies into war zones, we should drop crates of illegals back into MX. AMLO can sort out his subjects and decide what to do with those from south of his border.

  3. This is the kind of tin pot dictator you get when societies leftist moochers get the majority of votes in a country.
    This is an example of why the dems are so interested to flood this country with 3rd world peasants.

  4. Kool uniform for a chauffeur!

    Got that whole “Italian Corporal” thing going!
    What is it with tin-pot dickheads … uh … dictators … that they gotz to have overdone uniforms?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Correa put on a snuff play in Ecuador to try to reverse sliding popularity — it didn’t work, but two policemen were assassinated by snipers when it was obvious the public weren’t buying into the fake coup attempt.

    Erdogan staged a fake coup of his own. He made sure he got the desired results.

    Maduro is circling the bowl and he knows it. If he follows up this theater quickly with a bloody crackdown and purge, it will confirm who the actors were.

    The Venezuelan opposition knows that killing Maduro will not defeat the chavistas, though it might energize them. To defeat the neuvo bolivarianos will be to battle in every neighborhood and in every family because there will always be millions of Maduros waiting in the wings.

  6. Saw a window with soot around it made by an apartment fire, so likely a gas explosion (accounting for the reported explosion). Can’t blame anyone in Venezuela if they want to stick their head in an oven.


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