Venezuela Swears In Opposition Leader as President – IOTW Report

Venezuela Swears In Opposition Leader as President

Breitbart– Juan Guaidó, the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, took an oath of office on Wednesday and was sworn in as the legitimate interim president of the country, replacing dictator Nicolás Maduro.

President Donald Trump issued a statement shortly after the public swearing-in ceremony recognizing Guaidó as the legitimate head of state of Venezuela. Countries like Argentina and Brazil, as well as the Organization of American States (OAS), also recognized Guaidó.

Guaidó was elected president of the National Assembly, the only remaining democratically elected institution in the country, in January. He is a member of the Popular Will party led by political prisoner Leopoldo López, a member party of the Socialist International. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the party of Maduro and predecessor Hugo Chávez, is not a member of the Socialist International and the organization has publicly opposed Maduro’s dictatorship.

The National Assembly leader assumed the presidency of the country through the authority vested in Articles 333 and 350 of the constitution of Venezuela. Article 333 requires all Venezuelan citizens to “assume the duty of collaborating to reestablish the constitutional order,” while Article 350 requires Venezuelan citizens to not recognize as legitimate any “regime, legislation, or authority that defies the values, principles, and democratic guarantees [in the constitution], or that violates human rights.”

The Maduro regime has established itself through fraudulent elections and the use of force to repress dissidents, including the establishment of torture chambers in political prisons to silence dissent. Those who have survived those chambers say that electroshock, crucifixion, sleep deprivation, rape, and beatings are routine against peaceful dissidents.  more

11 Comments on Venezuela Swears In Opposition Leader as President

  1. It will be interesting to watch how this works out.

    And probably even more interesting to watch the leftists here react to it.

    Interesting times we live in, interesting indeed.

  2. All it will take now is for the new president down there to ask for military assistance from Trump and the world can watch just how fast a MEU can be deployed and the best part is since they are being invited the marines will not have to storm the beaches!

    The dick-tator better get while the getting is good and IMHO he should hop into his G5 and head for the nearest bank where he has his blood money squirreled away if he want to live to be an old ex-dicktator instead of ending up like gadaffy being dragged through the streets with a stick up his butt until dead.

  3. A long overdue insurrection to be rid of the filthy Marxist dictator. I hope it’s successful although in a few years they’ll repeat the same mistakes. It seems to be part of the DNA for central and south americans.

  4. cslamer, I think our marines have no business in Venezuela. They cycle through the same political shit time after time and never learn. The same is true of most South American countries. Why should our men go down there while their men are running away to whatever country will allow them to live as parasites on it. Including the US.

    Build the wall. Build it and put armed troops on it to enforce it.


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