As Venezuela collapses, the truth of the deadly effect of socialism is lost on American Progressives who cling to their utopian vision of these proven disastrous ideas. Starvation, rape, forced-prostitution, brutal death — these are not aberrations, but normal consequences of the philosophy of Karl Marx.
Let them all in,the left will break you financially with more taxes to feed and house them, no problem. For the lefties.
These brave Venezuelans did not give their lives in vain. Through their selfless sacrifice, Bernie Sanders was able to afford a new beach house. Ocasio-Cortez is able to parlay her stupidity into a job as a Congress member and finally afford a luxury apartment in Washington, D.C. President Maduro can ride around in tanks and give blowjobs to Russians for cash. Sean Penn – well, I don’t know what he is doing and I really don’t care. Our early Democrat candidates now have a platform; a stupid platform, but a platform none-the-less.
Starving Venezuelas – we would salute you, but we’re too busy trying to hide what’s happening in your shithole country so we don’t get lynched for trying this lunacy here.
I never thought about the “racism” angle, but given the left’s allegiance to fascism, it makes perfect sense.
See, I don’t think any of these Green New Dealers are making a conscious effort to move the country to socialism because they haven’t the vaguest grasp of what that even means. They see pliable youngsters of voting age who are economically challenged and have visions of the Government as a sugar daddy giving out free stuff. They see their base hysterically focused on income inequality thinking stealing more from the rich (redistribution) somehow would cure poverty, so they posit nonsensical ideas about a “living wage”, free education, housing, and healthcare. It is all a means to an end, the accumulation of power. Just like their open borders push, buying elections is the name of the game.
They would much rather have an autocratic style government with the ennobled few at the top making all the decisions.
Libtards – TRYING to make the normal American dream – of dying hip-deep in expended brass – come TRUE. đŸ˜³
It’s a socialist-eat-dog world down there… đŸ˜³
“Let them eat cake.”
Sadly, this is exactly what the Venezuelans, themselves, have insisted on for nigh on 40 years (or 50 or 60).
Socialism always – ALWAYS – ends up this way. And Venezuela always – ALWAYS – insists on socialism. Ignorance may be bliss, but only until the food runs out, then the reality hits the fan. “Experience is a hard school, but a fool will learn in no other.” And every time the experience of socialism is learned, some other tyrant comes along and babbles it back into fashion, until the great mass of fools learn the lesson, yet again.
This evil ideology has slithered and crept by many names throughout history.
Solon of Athens told the Athenians “We want to relieve want, not to support indolence.” but the indolent drove him out of Athens, and opened the gates to tyranny. And Athens wept. And Athens learned NOTHING.
Venezuela makes the same, stupid, foolish choices the Athenians made, despite 2500 years of demonstrable evidence of the imbecility of that choice. Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, Warren, Pelosi, Waters, that toilet-seat-licker from Washington State, Biden, and their ilk are trying desperately to build their tyranny upon the same foundation here in America – and, sadly enough, there are millions of ignorant indolent fools willing to give them a hearing.
izlamo delenda est …