Verbate! – IOTW Report


Emerald Robinson:
It’s a well known fact that the corporate news industry attracts dumb people who want to be on television in the same way the porn industry attracts troubled kids from broken homes. This is especially true at Fox News — where the talent contracts seem to come, these days, with a full-frontal lobotomy.

Just consider Sandra Smith.

Smith is not a journalist —she’s pretending to be one on TV. She’s never done any investigative reporting in her life. She was a stock trader who briefly worked at Bloomberg News before moving to the Fox Business channel — and she did not distinguish herself in any of these roles. This was self-evident when Fox’s top airhead conducted an interview with Rep. Mo Brooks this weekend that went viral on Twitter because Mo Brooks essentially ended her career on air.

Sandra Smith felt the need to make one of those idiotic “there was no cheating in the 2020 election” statements probably written by Paul Ryan himself. She then pushed back on Mo Brooks because she “had been reading the Wall Street Journal” — another Rupert Murdoch media property! — which she wanted to be very clear she was quoting from verbate!

That really sums up the TV career of Sandra Smith in one word: verbate!

12 Comments on Verbate!

  1. “because Mo Brooks essentially ended her career on air”

    Hardly, in fact, I would bet her status just got elevated over there since she is exactly what the Murdoch’s want, a pretty face that follows orders.

    Tangling with the right follows a concerted business plan to move to the center, to show the anti-Trumpers that they carry no water for anyone. Of course, it backfired, sending millions of loyal watchers to other networks.

    These guys wish they were Roger Ailes.

  2. True M, Rich Taylor. Kelli—I love that “i”—Stavast is probably headed for VP at NBC right now. We are in either the birthing pangs or the death throes of an idiocracy. A global idiocracy. It’s not so much that they’re evil, which they are, it’s that they’re all so f—king stupid. The best we can do is stay out of their way.

  3. My dad is 85 my Mom in law is 92 and have been faithful Fox News watchers forever. My dad now only tunes in to The Five probably out of habit and my MIL has asked me to forward more YouTube documentaries to watch because she has turned off the tv. They were both die hard Fox viewers and have had it


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