Vermont Nominates First Transgender Gubernatorial Candidate who thinks ‘Radical Christians’ are the real problem – IOTW Report

Vermont Nominates First Transgender Gubernatorial Candidate who thinks ‘Radical Christians’ are the real problem

DC: The nation’s first transgender candidate for a major political party won Tuesday’s Democratic primary for the Vermont gubernatorial race and will face off against incumbent GOP Gov. Phil Scott in November’s general election.

Christine Hallquist edged out a victory over a field of four Democrats, taking 48 percent of the vote. Scott defeated one other Republican to win 67 percent of the GOP’s vote.

Scott had been considered one of the most popular governors in the country until his approval rating plummeted from 65 percent in the first quarter of 2018 to only 5 percent. The decline is attributed to his signing into law various strict gun control measures such as a ban on bump stocks, increasing the legal age for purchasing a firearm to 21, requiring background checks on private gun transfers and banning the sale of magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

Scott beat out Keith Stern, the owner of Stern’s Quality Produce, a local vegetable shop. During his campaign, Stern criticized Scott for not decreasing government spending and for caving to anti-gun activists.

Hallquist is the former CEO of Vermont Electric Co-Operative and was born a male, yet identifies as a woman. He is the country’s first transgender gubernatorial candidate for a major political party and, if he wins the governorship, will become the first transgender person elected to a statewide position in Vermont.  MORE


See also:  “And we worry about sharia law!!”

First Transgender Nominee For Governor Thinks ‘Radicalized Christians’ Are A Problem.

27 Comments on Vermont Nominates First Transgender Gubernatorial Candidate who thinks ‘Radical Christians’ are the real problem

  1. As a Montanan who thinks we already have enough crazy (“trigger, trigger, trigger”) people here already, I’m very grateful for VT. They appear to provide an alternative to MT for those Eastern urban types seeking refuge from reality/”normalcy”.

  2. I’m looking forward to being entertained by the campaign of this paragender¹ and all the media attention it’s bound to receive. It’ll be fun in the carnival sideshow tradition!

    1. I think I may have come up with a single term to replace the self-assgned names of all the deviants represented by the letters in GBLTQetc. – paragender.

    From the OED entry on “para-” –

    As a preposition, Gr. παρά had the sense ‘by the side of, beside’, whence ‘alongside of, by, past, beyond’, etc. In composition it had the same senses, with such cognate adverbial ones as ‘to one side, aside, amiss, faulty, irregular, disordered, improper, wrong’; also expressing subsidiary relation, alteration, perversion, simulation, etc.

  3. all i can say is- LORD have mercy on those that wait for your second coming and come back quickly as you promised. This nation has turned into Sodom and Gomorrah and worse.

  4. I guess the Unicorn won, too, but since it doesn’t exist, in ANY manifestation, it was unable to show up to accept the prize.

    Good thing these perverts, aka “transgenders,” have a corporeal manifestation – otherwise they’d be as difficult to discern as their Unicorn cousins.

    This doesn’t bode well for America.
    In fact, it doesn’t bode well for humanity.

    Politics based on falsehoods are as old as politics, themselves, but a civilization based on falsehoods cannot stand. We cannot simply pretend things into being, or out of being. A lie is still a lie, regardless of how many times it’s told or how many fools believe it. Just as the lie of Globaloney Warming is finally coming to be seen for the lie that it is, so will the lies concerning the nature of human sexuality.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I hope he/she/it wins, and the next four years are so bad for Vermont that the US tries to sell it to Canada. It’s the only way people will learn that choosing an elected official based on them being the first [insert racial, ethnic and/or sexual minority here] in office is no substitute for sound policy and leadership.


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