Vermont’s Gov. Phil Scott: Republican or revolutionary? – IOTW Report

Vermont’s Gov. Phil Scott: Republican or revolutionary?

American Thinker:

By John Klar

Vermont governor Phil Scott announced on June 5 that social distancing requirements would not be enforced against Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters at coming events because they are exercising “their constitutional rights.”  The governor’s stunning epiphany means he has finally come to comprehend that in Vermont, the United States Constitution actually does apply!  This is great news for Vermonters — in almost all past decisions, the governor has demonstrated a total obliviousness, if not hostility, to citizens’ rights.

This is the governor who decided in 2018 to abandon constitutional protections of the right to self-defense when he signed a sweeping gun bill that banned high-capacity magazines and imposed universal background checks on gun sales.  A current gun bill (H. 610) is even more blatantly unconstitutional, but the governor has been silent.

This is the governor who used COVID-19 to close farmers’ markets and numerous businesses in a haphazard fashion, with unclear guidance and even less clear constitutional authority.  He delegated responsibility to municipalities to require people to wear masks, while insisting that the president of the United States holds zero authority to tell Vermonters to reopen their communities.  Governor Scott has been consistently partisan when invoking and ignoring constitutional rights, consistently progressive.

Phil Scott objected publicly when Donald Trump said there were “very fine people” on both sides in the riots at Charlottesville, and the governor passionately called for the Minneapolis police officers who killed George Floyd to be charged with murder.  But he did not condemn the two instances of speech-blocking protests against conservative speakers at Vermont’s prestigious Middlebury College.  Now the governor has announced that left-wing radicals who are blatantly violating his COVID-19 restrictions are free to disrupt Vermont streets.  (He has not spoken against climate protesters who have disrupted traffic and events, either.)

Phil Scott displays similar favoritism toward progressive ideology in other applications (or denials) of constitutional safeguards:

– immigration.  The governor opposes federal immigration laws (Vermont municipalities presumably have constitutional jurisdiction there, as with masks).

– transgender surgeries for minors.  Governor Scott has vocally supported the provision of surgeries to reconstruct sex organs for minors at public expense without parental notification.  What of parents’ rights? MORE HERE

13 Comments on Vermont’s Gov. Phil Scott: Republican or revolutionary?

  1. …..would not be enforced against Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters at coming events because—- they are pussies and need to be elevated above whites because most blacks are too damn lazy to compete against Mr. White. Besides, they prefer to have Everything handed to them.

  2. Social distancing requirements will not be enforced against Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters at coming events because the virus is raysis too…

    Isn’t everything??

  3. Gov Scott. Vermont’s edgy Republican.

    If you have any doubts, effective July 1, VT is phasing out ALL landfills. The theory is landfills and harmful to the environment, and if you push back on that excuse, the other rationale….Vermont is running out of land space.

    Vermont, the whitest greenest state in the nation with a population 624,000 (majority crammed into Burlington), land mass 9250 sq miles, is running out of land.

    Get yer compost buckets from Scott’s Compost Inc.

  4. Somebody has posted here many times in the past that establishment Republicans are every bit as bad as, or worse than Democrats.

    Oh yea, it was me.

    They are and the sooner all Constitutional conservatives recognize that the better.

  5. He always has been a “Bush Republican”! Nothing has changed. Same as Mitt and John.
    Remember Chuck down in FLA for years was a “proud Bush Republican!”; been little more honest lately ; ran as a D 3 times. Blummy was a Bush republican 15 years ago, Also little more honest now.


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