‘Very Rattled’ – Bill Kristol Rubs His Bald Head, Pontificates On Trump’s Inner Feelings – IOTW Report

‘Very Rattled’ – Bill Kristol Rubs His Bald Head, Pontificates On Trump’s Inner Feelings

Daily Caller:

The Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol said on MSNBC Tuesday that he thinks President Trump is “very rattled” by special counsel Robert Mueller.

“You played the clip,” he told Nicolle Wallace. “‘People really want to work here. People love working here. I have the choice of the ten best people for every job.’ He knows people are leaving, knows they can’t recruit good people. He knows he has a White House in deep trouble, and an administration in trouble. I think the Mueller news has him very rattled. Mueller is getting close. Roger Stone is sort of next up.” —- Blah blah blah.

29 Comments on ‘Very Rattled’ – Bill Kristol Rubs His Bald Head, Pontificates On Trump’s Inner Feelings

  1. Gee Wally, I think I’d be more puzzled about why Bobby’s little “investigators” just can’t seem to find a shred of evidence against Hillary even though they’ve been tripping through a virtual junkyard of it for over a year!

  2. Since I know your are dumb bill the last blank is an”S”!

    Or as I said in grammar school “Besa me culo; o chinga tu madre!”


    No Mexicans translate my words; I know what they mean.

  3. The same imbecile that said Trump had zero percent chance of getting nominated, and then said Trump had zero percent chance of beating Hitlery… ok.

  4. I’m thinking Bill Kristol is making enough noise that he might be one of those guys that Q is referring to when he warns of those that are making too much noise. Maybe there is a sealed indictment with his name on it.

  5. Bill Kristol can masticate my taint. I’m at least his age and perhaps older. I don’t presume to know what anyone is thinking. But I possess the same debilitation he does. I’m male.

    You want somebody can unravel your head? My wife can. No shit. She can take you apart down to base level motivations you didn’t even know you had. But she won’t do that unless she loves you. And you won’t be injured in the process. She’ll hold you tightly during this, and provide context why you are as you are. Without any judgement at all. You get to pass sentence on yourself if so inclined.

    Can you understand why I love this woman?

  6. From joe6pak: “Lowell, I hate when they do that.”

    You wouldn’t when my wife did. She’s working with you to help you understand the world and yourself. She’s given me insight into other people, and made me a stronger man. She has no use for weak men. She likes me as built. She wants a man to act like one. She also expects that man to not be stupid.

    I consider that a reasonable expectation.

  7. Bill Kristol, the old establishment vanguard moving progressive thought in the GOP country club sect. He’s from the Haaa-verd school of thought. He has never understood conservative thought, he has always been a liberal espousing conservatism particularly when he wants the military to enforce international relations and foreign policy.

    He’s a McCain supporter and lackey. Enough said.

    Kristol, simply put, is a sycophant. He’ll say anything to anyone to elevate his relevancy, stature, increase his airtime and fill his pocket.

  8. Billy would know all ABOUT, “rattling in the head.”

    That’s not the “purr” of Jack Benny’s Stutz Bearcat in Billy’s head; that’s his last 3 functioning braincells, on overdrive! 😮

  9. riverlife_callie, I’m looking forward to all his crumbs.If he ultimately proves to be a larp (live action role player, stinking acronyms) there might be trouble. There’s a lot of us looking for justice and Q seems to have the right targets.

  10. I can verify this. The Navy let a solicitation about 8 or 9 months ago for 1300 additional bunks/rooms/cells at GITMO. I saw it. If you surf NECO long enough you can find it. So there is that.

  11. Can someone clear this up for me on Q?

    I logged on to Twitter, searched for Q, Q Anon, Qanon, Qanon+++, and other variations.

    Which is the actual account? I cannot find a “Follow” button for Q

  12. B C Aeich, there is no actual account on Twitter. Those are independent individuals posting and remarking on Q’s posts. From what I have seen the places Q actually posts has moved around a little due to hacking attempts. I’ve had a couple addresses but my stinking iPad won’t fill the page for those.

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