Very Superstitious – IOTW Report

Very Superstitious

Do you know these Southern superstitions?
Do you have any from your regions?

26 Comments on Very Superstitious

  1. Well……one time I rob a bank in Tehas. The government, they get up a whole army to catch me. FOR ONE LIDDLE BANK.

    That’s when I learn. In Tehas, only Texans can rob banks.

  2. My wife is from Russia. If I whistle inside the house, she goes crazy. Apparently, that’s bad. And, never pay money back at night, only in the morning. Also, never, ever give a woman yellow roses.

  3. It’s bad luck to close a pocket knife somebody else opened.

    Hang a horseshoe with the open end up above a door for good luck (open end up so the luck doesn’t run out of it – and make sure it’s nailed up good because having it fall on your head isn’t good luck).

    Don’t give an empty wallet for a gift (even if it’s just a penny you put in it) or the person will always be broke.

    “Knock on wood” for luck. I’ve heard Brits say “touch wood”, so we may have got it from them but we’re naturally a little more violent in the southern US.

  4. Many things that are called superstititions are just things that go against the liberal narrative.
    here is a dr on video saying that he will not accept covid vax patients because they shed protien spiked cells.

    of course the ‘fact checkers’ think this is superstition.

    So who are you going to believe? A practicing medical dr or a couple of queers who are “fact checkers” in a lying rag like one of the major msm’s?

  5. I did a brief stint in a Chinese restaurant and they went absolutely nuts when I whistled, just like the Russians, above. When I was in France people told me not to open an umbrella inside or someone would die.

  6. Y’aways dropped a dime in the Black-Eyed Peas.
    Whoever got the dime got the luck.

    Funny they didn’t mention that – cuz everybody knows it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tim
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 7:08 AM
    “Y’aways dropped a dime in the Black-Eyed Peas.
    Whoever got the dime got the luck.”

    …unless the person dropping the dine just got done taking a poop and didn’t wash their hands, in which case they got norovirus or maybe Hepatitis A instead…

  8. They didn’t say anything about using old news papers to wall paper rooms with. I have seen this back in the late 60s in older homes. Also was told that people would leave books open around the room.

  9. My mom from Arkansas will say when your palm itches someone’s going to be putting money in it. There’s also one about people talking about you behind your back, it might be when you scratch your ass in public, but I’m not so sure anymore.

    The old timers around these parts would wait until the fireflies were out before poaching a deer. It takes that long for their meat to sweeten up from the bark and twigs they eat over winter. That seems more common sense that superstition though.

  10. ChickenCheeks
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 6:25 AM
    “I did a brief stint in a Chinese restaurant and they went absolutely nuts when I whistled…”

    …I did not have that issue in the Chinese restaurant I worked in, but that was probably because they were Taiwanese Christians who had fled originally to Formosa because Communist did not like Christians, so they didn’t manifest a lot of the Old County beliefs you see in most, like waving cats or foo dragon statues and such.

    But I had a sister who worked in a different Chinese restaurant run by Old County Buddhists, and among other things they put bowls of food up on a shelf on the wall under a statue of Buddha. Not sure how Buddha felt about it, but it sure made the roaches happy…

  11. SNS,
    Generally, the cook dropped the dime. And the cook had clean hands.
    Besides, I think you have to bring the peas to boil, which should eliminate any germs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Tim
    MAY 5, 2021 AT 8:26 AM

    …also, I’m afraid my knowledge of Black Eyed Peas is limited to knowing they are a really terrible band I can’t stand any music from, so I’ll have to take your word for it…

  13. Do not ever give a gift of a knife to a friend. (S)he must always pay you something for it, if even a token. The knife, given as a gift, will sever your friendship.


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