Vet who lit himself on fire outside a VA clinic in Northfield, NJ has died – IOTW Report

Vet who lit himself on fire outside a VA clinic in Northfield, NJ has died

VA vet fire suicide

DisabledVeterans: The veteran who lit himself on fire outside the Atlantic County CBOC in Northfield, New Jersey has died according to a police statement. Photos of the suicide site show the veteran lit himself on fire 75 feet from the entrance of the VA clinic.

The media has been very quiet about the self-immolation of an unnamed veteran on Saturday who received mental health treatment from the VA clinic. He was taken by helicopter to a hospital but died later that day.

I received these photos from a person familiar with the situation and posted them here to give readers a better idea of what happened since the media has been so tight-lipped.


h/t Doc.

27 Comments on Vet who lit himself on fire outside a VA clinic in Northfield, NJ has died

  1. On this day, Good Friday, I pray for the soul of this wretch. I have this habit of imaging people on the day when they were born into this world instead of seeing them on the day they die — especially if their death was horrible. So much love, so much promise. What a terrible thing mental illness is.

  2. I have used several different VA hospitals of the years including a 3 day stay in the hospital last month and have received absolutely first rate care. I know there are problems but I see these people bending over backwards to correct them.

  3. I am going to be a hard ass here.
    Anyone that kills themselves is a selfish asshole.
    There is only one person on the planet who doesn’t have someone worse off than they are.
    Consider this:
    If the poor guy at the absolute bottom hasn’t ended it all, what does it say for a person billions of people ahead of that guy that can’t hang on?
    There is no act more selfish and uncaring than suicide.
    Now I will bring up one caveat.
    Sacrificing ones life to save others is not suicide, but that is not the case here.

  4. No you’re not being a hard ass, your being an ignorant dick. My dad had what they call PTS in Freaken spades. Except back then they called it battle fatigue. He made it though, but I know he had issues with the things he’d seen and the things he’s done in combat until the day he died. 21 a day are killing themselves. JohnS as usual your perspective is fucked up.

  5. BB; Thank you for proving my point.
    Your Dad suffered far worse than mine, he died in a tailhook failure on the USS Hornet in 64.
    So, why didn’t your Dad choke and give you the experience millions of kids get every year?
    Was it because he cared about the people around him more than the trials and tribulations of his personal life?
    I would like to think that the case.
    I also sincerely hope that you did not burden him with your opinion that he should have voluntarily checked out.

  6. “I also sincerely hope that you did not burden him with your opinion that he should have voluntarily checked out”

    I wish you were here next to me right now. I’d bleed you slow you sorry sack of shit. As I’ve always suspected you are not quite in touch with reality. One of these days you will step over the line with some one face to face and you’ll learn your lesson. That was way over the line coward.

  7. BB; I come from a long military background.
    The payment of blood comes easier than it should.
    However, giving up is not an option.
    A true coward takes his life rather than face his circumstances.
    Your Dad did not do that, neither did mine.
    Consider the option of respecting our warriors for doing what is right rather than giving credit to the real cowards that run away.

  8. My uncle killed himself, he was not a hero yet he was formerly in the military….yep, JohnS is correct…suicide is the cowards way out….the toll on the remaining family is worse then the death…

  9. Years ago my brother’s wife killed herself.
    She was mentally ill.
    She was not a coward you ignorant fucks.
    Cowardice isn’t even in the equation.

    I didn’t even want to go there with this but evidently some assholes are just too fucking stupid to understand.

    Dumb motherfuckers on this site don’t know what the fuck they are talking about.
    You idiots need to be ashamed at how foolish and ignorant you actually are.
    It is indeed sad all of the retards thinking they know what the hell they are talking about straight out of their rectums.

  10. The VA in Little Rock just got wrote up by OSHA for 15 violations, one of them was a danger of amputation but they didn’t explain the details. That’s the one my kids use. And the veterans suffering from PTSD have to see a shrink who is wearing a fucking hajab — like that’s really going to help relieve some stress.

  11. JohnS you are ignorant on this topic.
    I’ve been at the bottom, one step away from the point of no return. When things get that bad selfishness and cowardice aren’t even in the equation anymore. It’s not about them and it’s not about “you” (children, spouse, parents).
    Until you have been there (and I pray you never are) I suggest you keep your poorly informed opinion on suicide to yourself.
    I’m not going to post with my usual name since there are people who know who I really am, and I don’t want this to be a point of discussion with them.

  12. Wow! I didn’t realize that suicide had so many advocates other than the people practicing it.
    I just hope that if someone I care about is contemplating such a thing that none of you are anywhere around.
    Moronic feel goodery is mental masturbation that accomplishes nothing. A person on the edge needs to stop looking inward and focus on the impact it will have on other people and that the action is wrong.
    Sadly many take their lives because malicious fools help them down the road to thinking that their feelings are the most important thing there is.

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