Vet Your Child’s Doctors. They No Longer Deserve Your Trust – IOTW Report

Vet Your Child’s Doctors. They No Longer Deserve Your Trust


Let me introduce you to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Like other powerful health authorities, they refuse to inform women of the lifelong increased risk of breast cancer for anyone who has ever taken the pill. It seems that the “benefits” of barrenness trump even the power of pink ribbons. That’s not all: America’s most powerful pediatric voice is also refusing to inform young women of the mental health risks of hormonal contraception, even as we are living through an unprecedented teen mental health crisis, with depression and suicides rising.

The link between hormonal contraception and depression — and even a threefold higher suicide rate — is not new to The Federalist’s readers, nor to countless women around the world, nor to anyone familiar with the massive European studies involved. Do the nation’s pediatricians counsel their families that starting birth control might contribute to depression and even suicide? No. The AAP’s contraception “explainer,” aimed at parents and children, highlights “improved acne” but does not include a word about depression. Similarly, the AAP’s official policy statement on contraception, designed to help guide clinical practice, stays mum on mental health — though does once again highlight that acne-fighting power! more

18 Comments on Vet Your Child’s Doctors. They No Longer Deserve Your Trust

  1. Vet my kid’s? How about vetting all doctors regardless of how old you are. My doctor came around about the jab, so what! During it all he embraced the jab. He knows he’s lost my trust.

  2. The woman who edited the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE for 20 years said don’t trust the medical establishment. That is powerful stuff that never got a mention on the news.

  3. Doctors are every bit as trustworthy as politicians, lawyers, dentists, used car salesmen, convicted murders and the New York Times. Use with extreme caution!!!

  4. After what those greedy bastards did during Covid, I’m down to only trusting two local doctors. Both took huge hits for questioning the official government narrative. No longer have a PCP. Having better luck surfing the net.

  5. Doctors are trained at a standardized level of care. They don’t take into account the individual or unique circumstances. In other words, your words fall on deaf ears when you talk to a know-it-all doctor. You’re better off getting advice from the internet first, then if you still need a doctor, start demanding specific care without allowing him to diagnose you. If you need tests, evaluate the tests yourself and don’t let him push you into that standard level of care based on how he interprets the results.

    I recently had an argument with my doctor that wants me on statins because of too high “bad” LDL cholesterol. I said, your range for acceptable LDL starts at ZERO. Doctor, if I had ZERO LDL, I’d be dead! Do you want me dead, doctor? Fuck sake.

  6. My Jab Happy GP told me that he considered it an insult for me to refer to him as my GP Quack. Fuck you, you son of a bitch. You made your bed, lie in it.

  7. The doctors that I trusted left private practice when oBolaCare gave tons of cash to the hospitals who bought everyone out and trashed US healthcare like rabid, drunken pirates. Those that are around graduated with too much school debt and had no real mentors (ethical) to teach them what they should’ve learned as they practiced.

    All Americans’ diminished access to care, lack of preventive care, and lessened quality of life is a lead collar around their necks that will weigh heavily on these heinous perpetraitors when it comes their time and they can’t pass through the eye of a needle.

    Tough shit, conduct bears consequences. I hope they get hit by lightning if they play golf as a distraction worrying about Judgement Day. And keep prescribing as many deleterious drugs as you can on your trek to Damnation, you schmucks!

  8. Most GPs can diagnose MAYBE 10 or 12 common maladies, beyond that you’re talking specialists and/or just running tests and hoping something pops up. Marcus Welby died a long time ago.

  9. My Doc for decades and I went thru diabetes together. I went Keto, Doc went Meformin and insulin. I got better, he got sicker. Under duress from wife to get a checkup this year, I was glad to see Doc was all happy and “well” again. He had recently went full-on Mounjaro and ordered me to also.
    “Brad, this Mounjaro is a miracle drug. Don’t you want to eat bread and pasta again? Take this and you can eat again, AND lose weight!!”
    There Doc stood before me, proof this worked. Eating his beloved carbs and thin again.
    That is the state of modern western medicine. PS, Mounjaro is over $1000 a month. Insane side effects.

  10. When I lived in MN, I had two doctors who were at the pinnacle of their field. They listened to me and worked with me to decide my care. I trusted them to present me with the best possible advice to make my own choices.

    One of them told me something that I thought was crazy. But it didn’t cost much, so I tried it. One day. That’s all it took for me to be sorry for thinking she was crazy! “By golly, you were right”, I told her on my next visit. We both laughed.

    Both of those doctors left practice after a few years. Why? To teach doctors how to be better doctors! I was sorry to see them go, but appreciated my clinic appreciating great doctors. Only had one bad doctor in the 32 years I was there. She was fired just a few months after I left her and got another great doctor.

    I suppose that time has gone. Have a decent doctor now. He does listen to me. Won’t trust him until he earns it, though.

  11. My current PCP is great. I’ve followed her to 3 offices because once you find a good one (like a hairstylist!) you will go to the end of the Earth. During Covid, she’s not asked me once if I received a Covid vax-or insisted that I get one. She advised against me taking Plaxlovid when I was out of town and caught Covid (too many side effects). She’s an OD instead of a MD. They take a different approach to care.

    Mr illustr8r is lucky if any of his PCPs stick around much longer than a year. Always a new doctor because they’ve retired, quit or died.

    My parents doctors have been their doctors forever. Very consistent. I have to wonder if its a red state/blue state difference.

  12. Those are the same assholes that acquiesced to the Mohamaden Clitoral “Nick” Clique, many years ago. They took a lot of flack and backed off. I’m sure it’s back by now. Anything to dehumanize humanity. Satan wants our children. Badly.
    Look for an Integrative or Funtional Medicine Dr, when shopping for a provider
    •••BTW, The single best supplement a person can take, for cardiovascular health, immune system, etcétera, is Ubiquinol, or, Co-Q 10.

  13. Corporate medicine is terrible on the front end. They seem to think doctoring is all about the tech and training, with guides on the internet. Familiarity much less a long term relationship with the patient seems to be not only forgotten but actively avoided. They deny the art in doctoring entirely apparently. In back where it’s been corporate forever the people who’ve been passed through their PCP experience the usual I suppose.

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