Veteran died after VA turned him away because unconscious man didn’t show his ID, watchdog says – IOTW Report

Veteran died after VA turned him away because unconscious man didn’t show his ID, watchdog says

The “I hope you all burn in hell” story of the day.

JTN: A veteran in the throes of acute heart failure, septic shock, pneumonia, and with large, open wounds on his legs was refused emergency care at a Florida Veterans Affairs hospital because the barely conscious man could not prove his military service, according to an oversight investigation. The man later died at a civilian hospital.

The incident took place in the summer of 2020, at the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Fla., according to a May 31 report from the VA’s Office of the Inspector General.

“The OIG determined that facility Emergency Department nurses failed to provide emergency care to a patient who arrived at the facility by ambulance,” wrote oversight official Dr. John Daigh Jr., in the May 31 report. As a result, he added, his office “questioned the Emergency Department nurses’ competence to treat patients seeking emergency care” at the facility. MORE

18 Comments on Veteran died after VA turned him away because unconscious man didn’t show his ID, watchdog says

  1. Yep. VA was like that when I was schlepping patients too. No preapproval, no drop-off, no exceptions.

    We took unconscious folks to General or closest anyway. VA was typically not the most convenient, and seemed to not have a doctor many times lm

  2. The government in Canada (and in the United States) wants older people dead, so that the “useless eaters” (of which I am one) do not have to paid their Canada Pensions (which were paid into) or cost the healthcare system. Prove me wrong.

  3. Man, what in the world do you have to do to your yourself to get that sick?

    He was destained for crossing over that night regardless. Nonetheless the staff at that hospital acted shamefully.

  4. I’m not surprised at the incompetence shown during the past 2-1/2 years. This is just one of thousands of cases of people dying at the hands of the medical field. They are licensed to kill. They killed my mother, I will never forgive them for that. i wasn’t allowed to say goodbye, M’fers.

  5. Another reason I have never set foot in a VA hospital. Get asked all the time why I don’t get the free healthcare. Mostly it’s because I want to survive.

  6. VA “Doctor” didn’t understand the concept of ‘half life” on narcotic pain killers and prescribed my dad full doses, for every round basically destroyed his kidneys.
    My sister, an RN, argued with him over the phone, trying to explain it to the dumbass, and when he hung up on her, she grabbed a flight and came to argue with him in person.
    It’s a shame that those who graduated at the very bottom of their class, still get to be called Doctor.

  7. …The Catholic hospitals in the area are for-profit, and are not shy to tell you that.

    However, ALL have a huge poster in all patient areas in the ER stating that under State law they are REQUIRED to anyone regardless of ability to pay, an assessment, stabilizing care, and transfer to the nearest appropriate facility.

    …I do not, however, recall seeing that poster anywhere in the Federally run VA.

  8. 2 Things I ain’t doing anymore…

    1. Not claiming to be a veteran anymore.

    2. And not using any VA service or part b Medicare because my country no longer exists…

    How could my America still exist if Joey B. Is president illegally?

  9. Well, teh vast majority of health care workers.. I mean gov agents, have disregarded their Hippocratic Oaths for a few years now, so why are we surprised?

  10. Worse than jail for a government employee is to have them fired with no benefits, period!
    President Trump was fixing this problem for Veterans who have no choice but to use VA facilities then the stolen election happened!

    Remember, Veterans EARNED world class Health Care Benefits!

  11. face it, VA care is Government Care … it’s a bureaucratic run nightmare that has NOTHING to do w/ health care

    there is practically NOTHING that the government, any government, runs better than the private sector … go ahead, name something … other than stealing our money, our livelihoods, or families, our hopes, dreams & prayers

    we’ve known about the sins of the VA about as long as we’ve known about the sins of Priests, schoolteachers & politicians

    time to quit acting surprised … time to figure out what to do about it


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