Veteran Refuses Service Award Offered by Saints, Calls NFL Protests ‘Slap in the Face’ – IOTW Report

Veteran Refuses Service Award Offered by Saints, Calls NFL Protests ‘Slap in the Face’

Breitbart Sports: The NFL has long-standing tradition of mixing respect for the flag, and those who defend it, into their pregame ceremonies and community outreach. However, since the NFL has recently decided to mix disrespect for the flag, and those who defend it, into their pregame ceremonies. One veteran in Louisiana has decided to call them out on it.

Meet John Wells, he is a retired Navy commander and executive director of the national Military Veterans Advocacy organization, in Slidell, Louisiana. Mr. Wells was chosen by the Saints to be the recipient of the People’s Health Champion award. A recognition offered to a member of the community who exemplifies “the exceptional achievements of Louisiana residents age 65 and older.”

Though flattered by being chosen for the award, Wells could not “in good conscience” accept the award. Given the “slap in the face” he feels NFL players have shown veterans by way of their anthem protests.

“Although I am touched and honored to be selected for such an award, the ongoing controversy with NFL players’ disrespect for the national flag forces me to decline to participate in the presentation,” Wells said in a press release. “Since this award is tainted with the dishonorable actions of the NFL and its players, I cannot accept it.”

The Saints responded to Wells in a lengthy statement on Thursday afternoon:  MORE

15 Comments on Veteran Refuses Service Award Offered by Saints, Calls NFL Protests ‘Slap in the Face’

  1. Wow. The Saints’ response is a whack in the face. Unbelievable, and unconscionable to say that about someone they had just honored. A little self-inspection needed.

  2. A nuther of the NFL’s Real Men of Genius: Mr Snubbed NFL Spokesman!
    “We’re right and the world is wrong”

    Tone deaf, blind and stupid is no way to go thru life!
    Real Americans see right thru your thinly veiled, mealy-mouthed, weak capitulation to Political Correctness that would have us believe that Nazis, Klansmen and White Supremacists are marching down Martin Luther King Boulevard!

  3. This whole deal is an immature act to tell the ‘world’ they are concerned with a situation.
    Disrespecting the Anthem is disrespecting the Veterans and their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families. Period.
    Their kneeling is an empty act that serves no other purpose than to virtue signal.
    I do not respect them as men.
    A Man says what is on his mind.
    He needs no mealy-mouth gestures to posture for the crowds.
    How about this you bunch of overpaid, unmannerly, boorish, poodles:
    Play the damn game and leave your personal style of acting out for around your rich friends. There is so much air time that is not actual playing, do us all a favor and let the network spend that air time on the cheerleaders instead of you and your vapid posturing

  4. Mr. Wells gained far more publicity for his organization by his declining the appearance then he ever would have if he did show up, given the NFL’s declining viewership. A fact completely missed by the idiotic Saints spokesperson.

  5. Ain’t no saints.

    Their organization’s response to a thoughtful demurring was to keep digging and accuse the veteran, that they were originally going to honor, of not paying enough respect to them and the NFL.

    Their priorities are beyond fucked.

  6. It’s getting close to the point where these players are going to start walking into the office of the coach (or their agent, or manager, or lawyer or whatever) and ask why this weeks checkis only $300,000 dollars instead of $350,000? Then the poor bastard is going to have to explain the concept of consequences to a 6 foot 4 inch, 260 pound spoiled brat. Then explain it’s likely to get a whole lot worse.


    The NFL holds cities hostage “Build us a new stadium, or we’re leaving!” –Bye!

    Let them move every 20 years to a new city. The CRIME RATE will no doubt DROP.

    Just wondering. What is the overall crime rate for millionaires, AND broken down by race?

  8. PR stunt that went horribly wrong.
    Even with a disability, Commander Wells is more of a man then the entire ‘Aints organization.
    All you ball playing boys, this is how a real man does it.
    Fuck the NFL.

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