Veterans Day – IOTW Report

Veterans Day

20 Comments on Veterans Day

  1. Welcome home if your back, things got a little out hand while you where away. We’re working on fixing it back up like it was. But in all cases, thank you for looking over the Real America!!

  2. Thank you to all who served. May your service have not been in vane as the forces of evil you stood against are now running and trying to destroy our country.
    We must fight on.

  3. Appreciate the kudos but they really ought to go to the fallen.

    We did our duty but they made the ultimate sacrifice.

    Never forget that these men and women had the courage to die for you.

    May the Lord God Almighty bless and keep you all…

  4. I know many of the IOTW community are service members or veterans and I truly appreciate your service and love for this country, Thank you and may you know peace and God’s love today and always! Elizabeth

  5. I started in military service in 1977, and we still had a few old-timers from WW2 and Korea in the upper ranks. Occasionally you could see or know about someone who had service in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. I busted my own butt for 29 years between three services. And no matter how I feel about our senior leadership today, that does not diminish the incredible achievements, and sacrifice, of our veterans. Where it applies, I wish for a happy Veterans Day.

  6. Saw this posted somewhere else this morning… kinda describes veterans to a t.

    …”we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.” President John F. Kennedy

  7. God bless the valorous and dedicated military people who run into harm’s way protect the peaceful and innocent. Thank you all.

    God damn the craven pols and warmongers who send those valorous and dedicated people into harm’s way for their own enrichment and empowerment. Go to hell, all of you.

    Uncle Al (Regular Army 1969-1971, hon. discharged as E-5)

  8. A very special thank you to all veteran’s that have served our great country. 🇺🇸

    May God bless and keep you 🕊️❤️😘

    We love you ❤️ for all the sacrifices made.

  9. Proud veteran here, I have mentioned it before but I wanted to be an Army nurse from the time I was 6 and it was everything I wanted it to be. Spent 20 years in the best job on the planet–daughter of, sister of, and wife of proud Army men as well. My life has been truly blessed.

  10. Thank you for all the “thank yous” from all my unseen brothers and sisters in IOTW.
    But right now I would have the personal “thank you for your service” from one little child then from 100 adults.
    ‘Scuse mee, getting dusty here, need to find a kleenix. Allergies.

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