Veterans parachute into Normandy 75 years after storming the beaches on D-Day – IOTW Report

Veterans parachute into Normandy 75 years after storming the beaches on D-Day

Daily Caller:

Three World War II veterans in their nineties, who saw the horrors D-Day first-hand in 1944, parachuted over the beaches of Normandy Wednesday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the landings.


Tom Rice, a 97-year-old U.S. 101st Airborne paratrooper veteran, participated in the honorary jump with 200 other parachuters. “I feel great, I’d go up and do it all again,” he said after jumping out of a C-47 transport plane.

4 Comments on Veterans parachute into Normandy 75 years after storming the beaches on D-Day

  1. I’ll be 90 for the 100th anniversary of D-Day in 2044, God willing. It’s sad to think there will be no veterans of that day/war left. That’s why I have treasured hearing their stories told from their own lips. We will never see the likes of these men again. And I’m not sure I want to live in a world without them anyway.

  2. God bless these men. This brought tears to my eyes: “Instead of being met with bullets, he jumped into clear skies while holding an American flag and being applauded by thousands of people.”

    I love our brave men who served.

    Ok, the women, too, but only if they haven’t been coddled.


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