Veterans protest flag removal at Hampshire College – IOTW Report

Veterans protest flag removal at Hampshire College

Amherst, Mass. (WWLP) – At least one thousand veterans gathered in Amherst this afternoon to protest the removal of the American flag at Hampshire College. 22news spoke to protesters about why they strongly disagreed with the college’s decision.

Freedom is not free. That’s the lesson that hundreds of veterans, their families and friends and other local residents hoped to teach students at Hampshire College Sunday afternoon.

Jerry Maguire, Veteran said, “They took down my flag, they have a right to that, I’m here to defend their right to do that but I want them to understand how bad that hurts me.”  more

8 Comments on Veterans protest flag removal at Hampshire College

  1. Here’s the college presidents reply:

    ” “After the election campaign and the degree of racism, sexism, and islamophobia that played out in that campaign, feelings were just exacerbated.” He told 22News the flag had to be removed because it was making it impossible for students to have a direct discussion.”

    Let’s cut off all Federal funding and see if he’s really that Butt Hurt.

  2. J and Tony are spot-on. What they also need to do is instigate a campaign amongst the school’s alumni to halt alumni donations. Between that and the Fed tax dollars, the assholes in the admin will cave like a badly dug tunnel. Would be fun to watch!! ;^)

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