Veterans Study: COVID and Flu Vaccines are Useless at Preventing Hospitalization – IOTW Report

Veterans Study: COVID and Flu Vaccines are Useless at Preventing Hospitalization

Igor’s Newsletter:

SUMMARY: This post will show that both flu and Covid vaccines are utterly useless at preventing hospitalization for Covid AND flu. This conclusion is based on a recent large study of US veterans. Their health data is available to researchers from the Veterans Administration medical database.

The same VA study also shows that repeat COVID infections are not milder in hospitalized veterans.

Flu Vaccines are Useless. A fascinating study of US veterans hospitalized with COVID or flu is out.

13 Comments on Veterans Study: COVID and Flu Vaccines are Useless at Preventing Hospitalization

  1. All vaccines are nothing but poison. Not a one ever stopped a disease. The amount of poison satanic pharmakia being injected into babies makes me want to kill. I can’t even get my grands to stop injecting the great grands. Oh grandma, you just don’t understand how vaccines work.

  2. I got COOF right Now.
    I can still taste My beer, lamb chops, Grilled asparagus, after my 10 hour work day.
    I’ll let you know about the Bourbon in a Half Hour.

    ps. My Wife thought I would like home made Chicken Soup but Hell, That’s for sick people.

  3. Yeah, the Bourbon is also fine.

    I got delayed invoicing the TD Bank.
    You know, the first bank who Froze Trucker Bank accounts.
    It took a while.
    I got creative with the time & parts.

    Tee Hee!

  4. Is the “mark of the beast”, the mark of the serpent? The most common idol in western culture today, by far, is medicine and the new “magic” of pharmakeia.

    If one wants to resist being part of the fast approaching Satanic system that may require everyone to accept some kind of “mark,” then you are probably going to need to prepare yourself to stop using the corporate medical system completely at some point.

    And neither have I heard Trump say one negative word about the death shots.

  5. When my bride who is double vaxxed came home with the coof and gave it to me, I went to the FLCCC Aliance website and found a telemed clinic that treats using only FLCCC protocols. We were both prescribed a few days worth of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloraquine. Within 48 hours, we both tested negative. They have saved thousands of lives.

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