Vice President Joe Biden is OK with Jeff Sessions for AG – IOTW Report

Vice President Joe Biden is OK with Jeff Sessions for AG


Vice President Joe Biden, who led the fight against Jeff Sessions in the 1980s when he was nominated to be a federal judge, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Sunday’s edition of State of the Union that he would accept Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) as Attorney General under President Donald Trump.

“[M[y general rule is, the president gets to choose who he wants or she wants for their cabinet members unless either they are taking over the job with the express purpose of not enforcing the law in that area … So within bounds, the president should get the person that they want for that job, as long as they commit, under oath, that they are going to uphold the law,” Biden said.

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14 Comments on Vice President Joe Biden is OK with Jeff Sessions for AG

  1. well, he shoudl get the person that they choose and it shud be parent that they are who he wants to do a jmob in the cabnit cuz if youse got the wrong persons in that jobz then confusion rains … an that cud be caterwauling for the notion in generous and for us in particle.

    besiede that, theirs other ways to torpedo Trump an his racist sixist hatefull adminsteration.

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