Vice President Pence gets COVID vaccine on TV, says ‘happy to step forward’ – IOTW Report

Vice President Pence gets COVID vaccine on TV, says ‘happy to step forward’

Just The News: Vice President Mike Pence on Friday morning got a coronavirus vaccine shot at a televised White House event in an effort to encourage Americans to get inoculated from the virus.

Pence received the shot along with second lady Karen Pence and U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams.

“Well done,” Pence said after getting the shot. “I didn’t feel a thing. Karen and I are happy to step forward. … This is truly an inspiring day.” more

SNIP: LOL! You can see that needle from space.

9 Comments on Vice President Pence gets COVID vaccine on TV, says ‘happy to step forward’

  1. Let’s just say I don’t believe any of these politicians, I don’t know what they’re getting shot in their arm. However, even if Trump took one, I still am not taking one. I’ve never taken a flu shot, the only vaccine I’ve taken since becoming an adult is a tetanus, because I really don’t want lock jaw.

  2. I probably told this story before, but here it is again. Had the Lyme disease shot only to find out that it had arthritis side effects. No thank you on this shot, found out all about volunteering mistakes in the service…I’m sure the VA will be bugging me about having it. No, I’ll wait and see if dying from covid -19 is worst first, aging has enough problems without piling more on.

  3. …did a gay person tell him to take it?

    …because he pretty well established as governor of Indiana that he’d do anything he was told, if a gay man yelled it at him loud enough…

  4. I was talking to my Veteran friend today, who has all sorts of physical issues (although mostly from post-service shenanigans). Bad lungs, getting neck and shoulder surgery very soon. He asked whether he should get the vaccine, I recommended no – too rushed, too many unknowns, too many side effects. But I did order him some vitamins C, D, and Zinc.


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