Vicente Fox to Trump: We’re “Not Paying For That F***ing Wall” – IOTW Report

Vicente Fox to Trump: We’re “Not Paying For That F***ing Wall”

Ay, Dios Mio!

[Orale…Donde esta la upside down puento del exclamationes en mi keyboardo Macbook?]

vincente Fox

RCP: In an interview Thursday with Jorge Ramos on Fusion, former Mexican president Vicente Fox responds to Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border.

“I’m not going to pay for that fucking wall! He should pay for it. He’s got the money,” Fox said.

“Are you afraid that he’s going to be the next President of the United States?” Ramos asked. “What would that mean for Mexico?” MORE

26 Comments on Vicente Fox to Trump: We’re “Not Paying For That F***ing Wall”

  1. Notice that it’s not “you can’t build a wall,” or “a wall won’t work,” now it’s “we’re not going to pay for it.”

    Trump’s plan to take a cut of the billions of dollars being wire transferred to Mexico is brilliant!

    So, YES you will pay muchacho’s, comprende!

  2. I’ve never understood why people would cross the border to escape th shithole that is Mexico and want the US to become more like/or even become Mexico. I’d say you are “Loco”, the only Spanish I know.

  3. Well BB, they’re not as stupid as we have been. They’ve been screwing us sideways for generations and we’ve allowed it to get this far. We’ve been a willing host to these parasites and finally steps will be taken to eradicate these leeches? I’ll believe that when I see it! I still remember this corrupt bastard all buddy- buddy with Bush and W eating all the crap this SOB was dishing out! I’ll always despise W for his treachery on Immigration!

  4. Julio. What the hell? Let me repeat, the 5% Tarrif the t.Trump administration will tack onto Amex imports will more than pay for the wall. What the hell does that have to do with GW?

  5. Not to mention withholding ALL the foreign aid that the US Gooberment normally sends. That should be a good start.

    But I really think that The Donald could do it cheaper if he were to issue “Alien Hunting Licenses”, no season, no bag limit. Just think how many hunters would flock to the border to use those licenses.

  6. Damn Dude! You said Stupid Mexicans and I just pointed out who the stupid ones really are. I went off on a little tangent with Bush because Fox and Bush conspired with all this Immg reform crap back in the day….and we are discussing Fox here aren’t we ? You feel me? I agree with the tariff idea and that would be a excellent response, along with doing something with reparations! We be good Compa!

  7. Fox pleads with the 44% of Hispanics that voted for Trump to care about the country that’s “Hosting” them?
    It occurs to me that if they were able to vote for Trump, then they aren’t Mexicans, they’re Hispanic Americans. They aren’t being “Hosted” by America, but America is their home.

  8. YES, you are you druggie corrupt SCUM Vicente. Yes, you scum are. Your toilet country has flushed your criminal raping rats here and you OWE us a Wall. If you want any of your rubbish products Hecho en Mexico to be sold here, which is a HUGE chunk of your economy, you will build a wall. Corrupt scum. Vicente Fox you are a puke, Vicente Fox, a puke

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