Victim Of Illegal Migrant Criminal Kept Out Of Prison By Harris Program Now A Trump Supporter – IOTW Report

Victim Of Illegal Migrant Criminal Kept Out Of Prison By Harris Program Now A Trump Supporter


A victim of an illegal immigrant criminal kept out of prison by a program created by Vice President Kamala Harris says the incident opened her eyes and is now a supporter of former President Donald Trump’s agenda, according to ABC News.

Amanda Kiefer was left with a fractured skull in 2008 when Alexander Izaguirre, an illegal immigrant from Honduras, snatched her purse and hopped into a car that then attempted to run her over. Izaguirre had been arrested on drug charges before the attack but was kept out of prison after being selected for a jobs program created by Harris, then the San Francisco District Attorney. more

4 Comments on Victim Of Illegal Migrant Criminal Kept Out Of Prison By Harris Program Now A Trump Supporter

  1. John Giles, Mayor and Head White Guy Ringleader in Mesa and Mushrooms Arizona Tea Rooms and Hot Tubs has said Republicans are ALL IN with KAMMY. Long Live The Queen.


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